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 United States Business Directory
Busy Bee Computer, LLC

8235 US 51 N, Millington, Tennessee, 38053, United States

Phone: 901-949-6870

Email Busy Bee Computer, LLC

About Busy Bee Computer, LLC
If you are having trouble with your home computer, your internet connection, printer, or other computer or electronic device, we can send a trained, certified, insured Busy Bee to your home today or tomorrow depending on your location.

Busy Bee Computer Services takes the hassle out of computer repair. Just call us at 901-949-6870. We will schedule you one of our pre-screened Busy Bees who will make a visit to your home (same-day service in most areas!), diagnose your problem, fix the issue (in most cases the repair can be done in home), and test it thoroughly to make sure your system is running smoothly.

Our technician can tackle computer repair, new computer setup, software and operating system upgrades, internet connection problems, setting up wireless networks, printers or peripherals, spyware and virus removal, and other frustrating computer problems.
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