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Why Gift?

By Truly Memorable Gifts

Why Gift?

05/31/2022 Why Gift?
It costs about five times as much to acquire a new customer as it does to retain an old one. Instead of spending thousands on postcards, billboards and refrigerator magnets that target people who don’t know or care about you, you can invest a small fraction of that on thoughtful client Thank You gifts that turns current, recent and past clients who know and love you into ongoing streams of new business.
Here’s why giving Thank You gifts can turn your satisfied clients into true Influence Marketers.
Real Influence.
In marketing, influence is everything. Companies shell out millions in cash and merchandise to secure endorsements from athletes, celebrities, and trendy social media influencers. Why? Because when these people speak, others listen.
But in the world of Web 3.0, marketers have learned that the “little guys” wield even more influence than the folks we see Online and TV. Consider just a few statistics:

  • 92% of customers trust word-of-mouth more than marketing.
  • 76% of individuals pay more attention to “normal” people than brands.
  • 82% of consumers seek referrals from peers before deciding to buy.
Before customers buy, they want input from people they know and trust.
Influence Marketing.
The future of marketing is personal advocacy. If marketers want to win new customers, they can’t just rely on celebrities to make their case. They need to create passionate advocates who turn around and sing their praises to friends, family, neighbors, and everybody else.
Think about it; what’ll convince you to try a new wireless carrier provider—some pop star singing about it on TV or people in your sphere of influence telling you how glad he/she was to make the switch?
This is the future of marketing, and it relies on finding creative and sustainable ways to empower your clients to speak up about their experiences. Word-of-mouth marketing is well known to be the very best way to secure new clients.
Real Estate.
If you want to sell more houses or close more loans, then you’ve got to stop burning cash on high-cost, low-impact advertising and start investing in Influence Marketing.
How can you do that? Two easy words: Gift Giving.
All facets of real estate are about relationships. At every point in a transaction, you’re building a connection with your clients based on the value you deliver. When the transaction closes, a thoughtful Thank You gift allows you to leave your clients with a sincere token of just how valuable their relationship with you has been. Most call it gratitude, which in Influence Marketing, greatly eclipses the commission you earned. It’s highly unlikely your past clients will ever remember the commission they paid you, hence therein lies the opportunity.
Personalized Thank You gifts ideas will stick with clients, always reminding them of your value and transforming them into true Influence Marketers for your business. When they learn about a friend or neighbor getting ready to make a move, you will be the first person they think of. And because they’re in a position of maximum influence, your number will be the first to get called.
Real Influence. Real Marketing. Real Estate.

About This Author

Truly Memorable Gifts

Truly Memorable Gifts

Truly Memorable Gifts (TMG) was founded by James Geddes, along with key industry mentors and fellow collaborators, to help real estate agents and mortgage brokers successfully carve out a sustainable place in their local market without breaking their marketing budget. We provide thoughtful, personal…

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