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The Mustard Seed & The Yeast

Matthew 13:31-35

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What is Your Three-Paragraph Story?

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God’s presence overshadowed me

Being from a Southern Baptist family that only attended church on holidays when I was little, I followed my sisters and went before the church to be baptized when I was nine. We moved twice before settling in Orlando, and joined the Pine Hills Baptist church. Our involvement with Pine Hills Church deepened significantly compared to our past experiences. Sundays became an all-day affair, filled with church services, choir rehearsals, training union sessions, and the evening service.


Amidst the stress at home, I finished school and embarked on a rebellious path. I left home, forgetting everything I had known, and acted out. Alcohol became my refuge, but eventually, I realized that I was the one serving it. God’s presence overshadowed me, and He sent numerous friends to share His steadfast love. They reminded me that Jesus is the one and only Truth, and His love endures forever. Despite this, my rebellion kept me trapped in my sinful ways.


It wasn’t until I surrendered to Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) to get sober that I turned back to the God of my youth. Rediscovering the precious and true nature of God’s Word, I now prioritize spending time with Him early in the morning. I pray that God leads me and guards my words throughout the day. Despite my daily struggles and imperfections, God gently nudges me back to my prayer life and the reading of His Word—where all truth and wisdom flow.


- Ellene

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We would like to share your story of how you came to follow Jesus.
Share your story in three paragraphs here:


Use the worksheet below to assist you in writing your story.

We Are a Body Life Church

The Bible often uses the analogy of the Human Body to speak of the Church

  • The human body is a unit (one) made up of many parts.

  • Each part is important and needed.

  • Each part has a function that contributes to the whole.

  • Parts of the human body function interdependently.

  • Parts of the human body are dependent on the brain for growth, health, and directives.

  • Jesus is the Head of the Body and we are members of one another.


Body Life Defined:

If the Church is to function similar to the human body, then Body Life is how we relate to one another in ways that demonstrate:

  • Unity out of diversity … every part is important and needed

  • Interdependence on one another … every part contributing to the other parts

  • Dependence on the Head … every part living according to the directives of Christ

These are the key passages related to God’s design for the Church:


Body Life - By Ray C. Stedman - (read online)

The book that inspired a return to the Church's real meaning and mission.

Bible study lessons on the biblical theme of Body Life

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