Healthy Lawns, Trees & Shrubs Start With Bio Green®.

Eco-Friendly Lawn, Tree & Shrub Care Services Nationwide

Healthy Lawns Start With Bio Green®.

Ready for a healthy and beautiful lawn and landscape?

Your lawn needs nutrition and care and so do those trees, shrubs, and flowers!

It’s time to call your local Bio Green service provider to schedule your lawn, tree and shrub fertilizer application.

Find Your Bio Green® Service Provider
Lawn Care Treatment Services


Everything you need to know about lawn fertilization starts right here. Bio Green® will give you the the beautiful weed free lawn that you have always wanted. In addition to our Customer Satisfaction Guarantee, you will have the satisfaction of being a part of making a positive environmental impact.
Tree and Shrub Care


Your lawn needs nutrition and care and so do those trees, shrubs, and floweres! Bio Green’s® Tree and Shrub program is just the ticket to have bigger blooms, greener leaves, and healthier, more productive trees. Our technicians are skilled at diagnosing and treating many of the issues that face plant life. We will beautify your landscape and create a healthy growing environment for all of your plants.
Pest Control


Every now and again, pests like to call your lawn home. Let Bio Green® take the hassle and guesswork out of pest management. Whether it’s weeds, fungus, or bugs, our technicians have the skills and answers to your ailing lawns needs. We take an advanced approach to traditional pest control, click above above to find out more.

Bio Green® Licensed Service Providers use only environmentally-friendly Bio Green® fertilizer on your lawn and landscape.

View this beautiful Bio Green® lawn. Ready for a healthy lawn & landscape?

“Best decision we made was to sign up for Bio Green applications. Now we are on our way to being weed free and green. Thanks for doing what you promised to do.” ~Linda W., Charlotte, North Carolina

We just wanted to let you know how pleased we are with Bio Green’s services since you have started treating our yard! We tried using several companies in the past and our yard never met our expectations. Since using Bio Green’s services and treatments, our yard has never looked better, in fact, we just recently received “Yard of the Month” and we have not received that in years!! Thanks so much for your professionalism and support in dealing with our lawn needs! We will highly recommend Bio Green!! ~Lori and Ken K., Orlando, FL

Bio Green® will give you what you’ve always wanted… The most beautiful lawn on the block with the lowest environmental impact.

The answer to a beautiful lawn is simple… Bio Green®.