Join Us For Worship!


8 am Holy Eucharist Rite I in the nave

9 am Holy Eucharist Rite II in the nave, live streamed, with nursery for children ages 0-3 and Children’s Chapel for ages 4 through 5th grade

10:10 am Adult & Children’s Sunday School

11 am Holy Eucharist Rite II in the nave, with nursery for children ages 0-3


12 pm Healing Service with Eucharist

Latest Sermon

Sunday, June 9, 2024


The Rev. Mike Harber


Education & Formation Offerings

We strive to take the Gospel seriously without taking ourselves too seriously. We welcome you to join us in the kingdom work that God has prepared for us. There is a place for you here.







Recent & Upcoming Events

Anne Penney Receives 2024 Holy Trinity Service Award

“The greatest among you will be your servant.” —Matthew 23:11 

This year, we are pleased to honor and recognize Anne Penney as the 2024 recipient of the Holy Trinity Service Award. From the moment that Anne walked into Holy Trinity—33 brief years ago—she has brought us such beauty. First, with just her kind smile and sympathetic eyes. Then, through her many years of service, she founded the Flower Guild and served as its member, co-chair and chair.

When our parish outgrew our original spaces, Anne co-chaired the 1999 Building Campaign, which resulted in a $1.6 million expansion. Later she would co-chair the 2018-2019 Capital Campaign, which allowed us to double the size of our building space, while renovating our existing structures, and add many new spaces that support our vibrant church community. Again, in 2022, she co-chaired the Campaign Extension.

She’s led the Gifts and Memorials Committee and the Narthex Committee. All these roles, which she served with passion and dedication, have facilitated the creation of these resplendent spaces we now have at Holy Trinity—for worship, for fellowship, for rites of passage, for learning, and much more.

Here at Holy Trinity, we believe that beauty is an integral part of our worship experience, as well as a visible expression of God’s presence in the world and a means to deepen our connection to God’s mystery. No single person has done more to create, enhance and nurture the beauty now found within our spaces than Anne Penney.

But creating beauty has been but a portion of Anne’s service to Holy Trinity. She’s also a fabulous cook. Her servant’s heart drove her to use her culinary skills as an instrument for conveying love, comfort, and nourishment to so many over the years. Since 2001, Anne has been cooking—for the College Bible Study, for the Meal Ministry, for the Alabama Prison Birth Project.

Anne has also long been a revered leader of our flock. She has served as Stewardship chair, Chalice assistant, EYC parent volunteer, Personnel Committee chair, Check signer, and member of the Building Community Across Barriers Committee. She has served on the board of the Glanton Trust. And she was elected to two separate terms on the Vestry, serving as Senior Warden in her first term. Finally, she has been a friend to all of us and a stellar example of a servant who uses her time, her many talents and her treasure to sustain and grow our parish.

So, as you can see, Anne’s no slacker. And, until very recently, Dr. Anne Penney had a day job. When she was talking about ending her long career as Executive Director of East Alabama Mental Health Center, Anne was asked what she planned to do after she retired. Her reply, “I’m going to serve my church!” We are SO glad to hear that. Thanks be to God!

Vacation Bible School 2024

Have You Registered Your Child?

There’s still time to register — VBS 2024 Child Registration.

Vacation Bible School 2024 will be June 3–5 from 9 am to noon for children aged 4 through upcoming 5th graders. Join us as we journey to Nazareth, where we will learn about Jesus' early years through art, story and song.

Looking for Volunteers

We need Tribe Leaders, as well as youth and adult volunteers to decorate and help with art, games, stories. To volunteer, please sign up at VBS Volunteers. We also need folks to contribute snacks. To sign up to bring a snack, click here.

Holy Trinity Mission Team Heads to Uganda

A group of parishioners will travel to Namungo Village in Uganda, May 24–June 2, 2024. After partnering with Namungo's Patrick Sserunjogi since 2017, the Holy Trinity team seeks to build face-to-face relationships with residents and to meet with elders to learn the specific needs of the village. They will observe the operation of water wells and their impact on Namungo families. The team will bring sports and hygiene items, put on a mini Vacation Bible School and build latrines for the elderly. The Mission team—Joe and Shelley Aistrup, Robin and Steve Duke, Bob Karcher, Christine Mercer, Will and Lila Meadows, and Morgan Watkins—seeks prayer partners for the trip. If interested, please email

Bishop Curry Received Candidates for Confirmation on Sunday, April 7

Nearly three dozen candidates for Confirmation and Reception were received by Bishop Curry at the 9 am service on Sunday, April 7. A reception to welcome the new confirmands into this communion followed at 10 am. We send a huge thank you from the Bishop to Jessica Milton and her team for a lovely celebration.