Arborists with Exceptional Tree Care in West Chester, PA & Nearby Areas

Proudly Serving West Chester, PA & Surrounding Areas

Your Trees and Shrubs are Your Investment in the Future.

Trees and shrubs are valuable assets that deserve the professional care needed to maintain their health and beauty long into the future.

Our designation as Certified Tree Arborists, means we have achieved a level of knowledge in the art and science of tree care. Our ISA Certification requires us to continue the educational process and remain current to retain that preeminent certification. So, when you hire Rick’s Certified Arborists, you can rest assured knowing you have selected the right tree care company because we are completely up-to-date on the latest techniques in arboriculture. That means your trees, shrubs, and landscape investments, are safe in the hands of our tree doctors.


Speaking of Trees

How Cool!

According to the U.S. Forest Service, strategically placed trees can lower the temperature of your home by 20% in the heat of summer while saving up to 56% on annual A/C costs, while evergreens that block winter winds can save 3 percent on heating.


Decisions, Decisions…

Money Magazine estimated kitchen or bathroom remodels can bring recovery value up to 125% while landscaping can bring up to a 200% return at sale!


In Mourning or in the Morning

In the U.S. the average price to remove a large tree is between $962 to $1400 and your left with a hole in the ground. Maintenance of that same tree is approximately $000. And you’re left with a beautiful tree and singing birds each morning.


tree graphic with leaves

Here’s Something to Choke On!

Trees remove carbon dioxide from the air by sequestration and also filter air pollutants while producing life-supporting oxygen. In one year, an acre of mature trees can provide enough oxygen for 18 people and it has been estimated there are over 3 trillion trees in existence today.


Here’s Something Else to Choke On!

If a tree dies and eventually falls on your home, insurance has you covered. If it misses your house, you’re not so lucky. Homeowners’ insurance doesn’t pay to remove fallen trees that have not hit a structure. Moral of the story? Let us maintain the health of your trees!


What Our Clients Are Saying About Our Certified Arborists

History Icon for Ricks Plant Health Care


The history of Rick’s Certified Arborists is filled with a rich tradition of work ethic and integrity. John Rogalsky, founder of Rick’s Certified Arborists has an industry reputation of excellence in his field.

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tree outline icon

Service Area

Our area of service continues to expand over time as our reputation for integrity and effective tree services continues to grow.

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Experience Icon for Ricks Plant Health Care


For over a decade, the leadership and industry skills of the Rick’s Certified Arborists team have been honed from the ground up. Our Certified Tree Arborist is highly qualified with the experience to provide you an accurate assessment and treatment recommendations if needed.

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