Xinjiang Travel Guide

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Xinjianglocated in northwest China, is the biggest province in China, covering the area of 1.66m sq kms (almost accounts for 1/6 of China’s territory).In the hinterland of Eurasia, with nearly 6000 km borderline, bordered with 8 countries, Xinjiang has formed its unique exotic culture and traditions.

Travel to Xinjiang, where you can explore the historical sites of the Silk Road and the colorful folklore of so many different minorities. The Silk Road played an important role in promoting the exchanges of material and spriritual civilization bewteen the East and West. The long sections of the Silk Road running across Xinjiang make up a treasure house of relics known to the whole world with their frontier passes, ancient cities and castles, buddhist caves and temples, courier stations, ancient Tombs, war-signaling stations, etc. Like strings of pearls that sparkle brillantly and colorfully along the ancient Road. Besides, local Xinjiang food is unique with the style of Central Asia, Turkey and China.

Numerous stunning landscapes consisting of world-renowned large mountain ranges, glaciers,water systems,oasis, prairies and forests also attracts thousands of travelers come to visit. . From the holy mountain of Tianshan to the vast grasslands of Naraty and Bayanbulak, from the great Taklamakan Desert to the grand Sayram lake.

As the most professional inbound tour operator in Xinjiang, we have devoted to Xinjiang travel for more than 20 years. Almost all the things you need to know before visiting Xinjiang can be found here. 


Chinese: 新疆 Xīnjiāng                                 Area: 1,650,257 square kilometers

Time Zone: UTC+8                                       Population(2018): about 25,870,000

Location: Northwest China                           Climate: Temperate Continental Climate

Post Code: 830000-840000                          Administration Type: Autonomous Region

Area Code: (+86) 0991-0909                        Average annual rainfall: 166mm

Xinjiang Tourism Resources

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Xinjiang is renowned for its beautiful scenery of desert, Gobi, snow mountain, lake, forest, grassland, rural village, etc.

Vast territory and abundant resources are the best portraits of Xinjiang. Meanwhile, the region is also the gathering place of many ethnic groups such as Uyghur, Khazak, and Tajik, to name just a few. 

In Xinjiang, there is a mysterious Tianshan Mountain 天山, which divides this Autonomous Region into two parts - the north part and the south part. After million years of evolution, the two parts have formed different landscapes. 

Northern Xinjiang 北疆 is famous for its natural scenery. The famed cities include Urumqi 乌鲁木齐, Turpan 吐鲁番, Ili 伊犁, Altay 阿勒泰, Tacheng 塔城, Bortala 博尔塔拉, etc. Although the natural landscapes are too brilliant to let people ignore the rich culture in northern Xinjiang, you will still be amazed by the nomadic lifestyle of herdsmen there. Galloping horses on the grassland and sing song aloud with dance. That is just the daily life of herdsman.

Southern Xinjiang 南疆 is featured in historical relics and culture. Cities like Kashgar 喀什, Khotan 和田, Aksu 阿克苏, Bayingol 巴音郭楞, Kizilsu and Kirgiz 克孜勒苏, as well as Kunlun Mountain 昆仑山, and Tarim Basin 塔里木盆地, all witnessed the vicissitude of Xinjiang in the past thousand years. When you come to southern Xinjiang, you will find the perfect combination of desert, Gobi and oasis with the diversified agricultural civilization. Experience the rhythm of Uyghur Muqam 维吾尔木卡姆 in the local Uyghur family is really enjoyable.


 Xinjiang Tourist Attractions:

1. Heavenly Lake -the Pearl of Tianshan Mountain. With melted snow as its source, snow mountains surround the crystal clear lake. The magnificent Bogda Peak mirrored in the lake, making the whole scenery be even more fascinating. Once arrived, you will feel like entering into a fairyland. Lake looks like a sapphire rimmed by diamond-like snow mountains.

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2. Ili - The beauties of nature. There is an old saying that we don't know how large China is until we reach Xinjiang; and we don't see the beauty of Xinjiang until we arrive at Ili. The scenery of Ili varies following the changing of seasons, which will surely fascinate you! Narati Grassland, Kalajun Praire, Huocheng Lavendor farm, and Xiata Valley are all the wonderful places dotted in the great Tianshan Mountain.

3. Gobi Desert - In Xinjiang, when you are driving through the deser highways, the most impressive scenes must be the desert and Gobi desert. Empty your mind and let the desolate desert bring you into a world of infinity and endlessness.

4. Kanas Nature Reservation Park. It is listed as one of the best destinations for traveling in China for its picturesque landscape. It is the home of Sibereian larches, spruces,firs and birches, snow leopard, stone marten, silver foxes, Altai Frogs, etc. Besides, the unique lifestyle of local Tuwa people is also quite amazing. It is said that Tuwa people are the offspring of the old,weak,sick and disabled soldiers left by Genghis Khan when he led the troops for westward expedition.

5.Sayram Lake. It is regarded as the last drop of tears of the Atlantic. Strolling around the lake and swimming in the sea of wildflowers, you will witness what is the "sayram blue". Every year from May to October, The sapphire water of the lake seems to meet the sky in the distance. And the pasture is in a charming scene of flouring trees, waving grass, and wildflowers that are reflected in the clear water of the lake. You will have an unfogettable journey to have a night in the RV by the lakeside and ride a bicycle around the lake. 

6. Karakul Lake and White sand lake along the Karakoram Highway. Karakul Lake is on the lap of two giants, Muztagh Ata -  "the father of ice mountains" and Kongur reputed with more avalanche. It is one of the rarely seen highland lakes in the world. In a fine day, you can get a nice view of Muztagh Ata and the snow-capped peaks, flocks of animals, grassland are all clearly reflected in the water. By the lake, there are yurts and restaurants for tourists to stop and stay overnight. You can also visit the local Kizil people and experience their nomadic life.

7. Poplar Forest. In mid-October every year, you will have a chance to see the splendid golden poplar forest if you come to Xinjiang. On the desolate desert, almost no life can survive. While poplar trees create miracle that they are not only survived, but even formed continous forest. We say that it is the spiritual symbol of Xinjiang people.


In such a vast land, there are numerous amazing places in Xinjiang remained to be explored. Hope you will have joy and fun in each trip to Xinjiang!


When Is the Best Time to Travel Xinjiang?

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The best time to travel Xinjiang is from April to November. 

Depending on your preference, you will enjoy different scenes in different seasons and weathers. If you also love snowy days, then you will enjoy Xinjiang traveling all year round. 

Travelers who come to Xinjiang for the first time may be confused about the weather in Xinjiang. For such a vast land, weather varies widely throughout the region. See more information in Xinjiang Weather

Based on geographical features of Xinjiang and our experiences, the following information may help you better discover beautiful Xinjiang.

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From March to May. Air temperature rises rapidly in southern Xinjiang, while changes not that dramatically in northern Xinjiang. So the flowering season in north is longer than south while the blossom is earlier in south. Lavender, rape flower field, apricot flower and peach flower are competing for blossom everywhere.             


From June to August. It is the season when fruits and melons are ripe and fragrant. Although Xinjiang is also a bit hot and dry in summer, the weather in the mountain area is really cool. For example, the Heavenly Lake is regarded as an excellent natural summer resort by the locals. Additionally, summer is also the golden season for sand therapy in Turpan and  experiencing the prairie culture in Ili.

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From September to November. It is a lovely season when the hot summer recedes, and the cold waves have not come yet. Sky is clear and air is fresh with gentle breeze. This is time for harvest, and you will taste the sweetest fruit and best delicacies.


From December to February of the next year. During this time, northern Xinjiang is an ice & snow world, so it is also the paradise for those who love winter sports. Skiing, skating and sledging, enjoy heartily the wonderful winter in Xinjinag!

Visit Xinjiang with Reliable Xinjiang Travel Agency

Thanks to its large size, Xinjiang is not flooded by visitors even in the peak seasons compared to other travel destinations. You will not need to join a queue for entering the spots. 

To better explore Xinjiang, choose a reliable travel agency will help you make your dream tour come ture. 

We are here to provide you unforgettable tours! We have been devoted to the inbound tourism for more than 20 years, with 98% 5-star review on TripAdvisor

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We will provide you the best service and price to guarantee you a great Xinjiang holiday.

Waiting for you in our hometown! :)

Xinjiang Tour Packages and Offers

  • 11 Days North Xinjiang Group Tour to Kanas Lake, Nalati Grassland and Sayram Lake

    11 Days North Xinjiang Group Tour to Kanas Lake, Nalati Grassland and Sayram Lake

    Urumqi - Fuhai - Hemu - Kanas - Burqin - Dushanzi - Yining - Tekes - Naraty

    $1580 View Details

  • 10 Days Silk Road Group Travel to Xinjiang, Gansu & Qinghai

    10 Days Silk Road Group Travel to Xinjiang, Gansu & Qinghai

    Urumqi - Turpan - Dunhuang - Jiayuguan - Zhangye - Xining - Chaka

    $1450 View Details

  • 11 Days Silk Road Tour from Xi'an to Urumqi

    11 Days Silk Road Tour from Xi'an to Urumqi


    $ View Details

  • 12 Days North Xinjiang and Duku Highway

    12 Days North Xinjiang and Duku Highway

    Urumqi - Fuyun - Koktokay - Burqin - Hemu - Kanas - Kuitun - Naraty - Tekes - Yining

    $1790 View Details

  • 16 Days China Adventure from Kashgar to Lhasa via Nagri

    16 Days China Adventure from Kashgar to Lhasa via Nagri

    Kashgar - Zepu - Hongliutan - Duoma - Zhada - Tarchen - Drirapuk - Dzultripuk - Lake Manasarovar - Saga - Rongpuk - Shigatse - Lhasa

    $5700 View Details

  • 11 Days Xinjiang Group Tour to Kashgar & Kanas

    11 Days Xinjiang Group Tour to Kashgar & Kanas


    $1890 View Details

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