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Successfully Recovered Over $500,000,000 In Birth Injury Verdicts And Settlements In The Last 10 Years
Over 150 Years Combined Experience In Medical Malpractice and Birth Injuries
We have the Largest Birth Injury and Medical Malpractice Verdict In U.S. History.
$23 Million Medical Negligence
$229 Million Birth Injury
$55 Million Birth Injury
$21 Million Birth Injury
$15.5 Million Medical Malpractice
$14.1 Million Medical Malpractice
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Chicago Medical Malpractice Attorneys

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A recent Healthgrades report of the 100 best cities for healthcare in the United States ranked Chicago as 54th for hospital quality and overall quality. While Chicago could have done worse, it could also do a whole lot better. In another measure, Medicare’s hospital rating system only gave one Chicago hospital five stars, and three prominent Chicago hospitals got the lowest one-star grade.

Whether you go to the highest-rated hospital in the city or the lowest, you should expect to be treated by qualified doctors and nurses who perform with the same degree of competence and care as other members of the medical profession in the community. If doctors and hospitals fail to meet that standard and you or your loved one are hurt because of it, something needs to be done to hold them accountable for the harm they have caused.

This is what we are about at Wais, Vogelstein, Forman, Koch & Norman, LLC. We are medical malpractice attorneys whose mission is to improve the quality of care at Chicago hospitals and clinics by holding these institutions responsible for their mistakes and making sure that malpractice victims are fully compensated for the harm done to them by someone’s medical negligence. Our firm has experience in all forms of medical malpractice, including diagnosis errors, surgical errors, medication and lab errors, and more. Our Chicago medical malpractice attorneys also have particular expertise in birth injury malpractice and have achieved exceptional results for families burdened by these needless tragedies.

A Chicago Law Firm Dedicated to the Best Results for Medical Malpractice Victims

In the past ten years, our firm has achieved over half a billion dollars in settlements and verdicts for medical malpractice victims, including obtaining the largest birth injury and medical malpractice verdict ever recorded in the history of the United States. We are proud to have helped so many people so significantly, but we don’t stop there. Our team delivers the same level of hard work, diligence and dedication to every case we take on, with the goal of getting our clients the best results possible. When it comes time to negotiate a settlement or litigate against the insurance companies, they take us seriously because they know we mean business.

Prominent Hospitals & Medical Malpractice Incidences

Even in Chicago’s highly-regarded medical establishments, mistakes can and do happen. Some of the city’s eminent hospitals include:

Northwestern Memorial Hospital: Highly esteemed and often cited for its research and treatment methodologies, Northwestern has also faced its share of malpractice suits.

Rush University Medical Center: Another pillar of Chicago’s medical community, this institution provides exemplary patient care, yet it’s not entirely immune from instances of alleged negligence.

University of Chicago Medical Center: A powerhouse in medical research and patient care, this hospital has also encountered instances where medical malpractice claims were raised.

Common Medical Negligence Cases in Chicago

Throughout Chicago, certain patterns in medical malpractice claims are discernible:

  • Misdiagnosis: Failure to identify a disease or mistaking it for another can lead to ineffective or harmful treatments.
  • Errors in Surgery: This encompasses a range of errors from inadvertent damage to internal organs to anesthesia errors, and even surgeries performed on the wrong patient or body part.
  • Medication Errors: Administering the wrong medicine, incorrect dosages, or overlooking harmful drug interactions can have dire consequences.
  • Birth-Related Injuries: Negligence during childbirth can result in conditions like brain injuries, fractures, or other harm to the newborn and/or mother.

Steps to Take Following a Medical Mistake in Illinois

In the unfortunate event that you or a loved one believe you’ve experienced medical negligence in Illinois:

  1. Prioritize Health: Seek out immediate medical care to address and rectify any adverse health outcomes or complications.
  2. Maintain Thorough Documentation: Retain all medical records, receipts, and any correspondence with healthcare providers. Maintain a journal detailing the incident, your symptoms, and any subsequent care.
  3. Engage a Chicago Medical Malpractice Lawyer: Navigating Illinois’ legal complexities necessitates the expertise of a lawyer familiar with medical malpractice in the state.
  4. Contact the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation: This body oversees the licensing of medical professionals and can investigate instances of malpractice.
  5. Stay Updated on Illinois Laws: The legal landscape regarding medical malpractice is dynamic. Ensure you are abreast of any changes pertinent to your situation.

While Chicago’s medical institutions continue their earnest endeavors to deliver superior care, it’s incumbent on patients to be vigilant, informed, and proactive in defending their rights in the aftermath of potential medical negligence.

Our Commitment to Our Clients Shows up in Everything We Do

As Chicago law firms go, our 19-member legal team might seem small, but that’s okay with us. We encourage a small-firm atmosphere when it comes to taking care of our clients. We treat them like family because we know the difficult period they are going through and how much they rely on us for help. We build personal relationships with our clients – relationships that last long after the case is over. Our Chicago medical malpractice lawyers are big enough and strong enough to take on any case that comes our way; what is equally important to us at WVFK&N is knowing our clients feel they are being heard and taken care of and trust that at the end of the day, justice will be done.

Call Today if You or Your Loved One Has Been Harmed by Medical Malpractice in Chicago

When you see a doctor for medical care or go to the hospital for a medical procedure or to give birth, you deserve to be treated with skill and care by qualified, attentive medical professionals, and you deserve to be compensated for your injuries if you aren’t. Figuring out what went wrong in a hospital delivery room, operating room or laboratory can be challenging, but our team at WVFK&N are skilled and experienced in finding out what went wrong, holding responsible parties accountable, and achieving significant if not record-breaking results for our clients. You don’t deserve anything less than the very best we can offer you in the way of effective legal representation.

For help after a birth injury or any form of medical malpractice in Chicago, call Wais, Vogelstein, Forman, Koch & Norman at 312-993-5750 for a free consultation. We’ll advance all the costs necessary to win your case, and we don’t charge any fee until after we are successful in recovering compensation for you.

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