
Welcome to TCGen

Product Management Consulting Experts

Product Development is hard, but we can help.

TCGen is trusted by these brands and organizations

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Product Development Consulting & Product Management Consulting

Product development is complex, and an external perspective with broad sector experience can help you identify and eliminate problems plaguing many organizations.

We have helped global organizations improve product management, scale their development teams, increase speed, and deliver innovation.

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We help companies cut time to market, scale their product management, and innovate faster. We also have New Product Introduction (NPI) and Agile Product Development expertise. Contact Us to learn more.

TCGen Customers's Testimonials


What Our Customers Say

Agile Product Development Solutions for your Business

Innovating your success: Partnering for seamless product management solutions.

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With years of consulting experience in lightweight, iterative processes, John has developed expertise in new product development process improvement. He has learned or developed many product development Best Practices, acquiring a robust knowledge base. TCGen’s approach enables clients to decrease time-to-market, make a reliable organizational change that makes a difference in projects, and empower teams, improving morale and cutting waste.

Computer Technology

Designed and implemented the Apple New Product Process (ANPP) as a product development consultant. When we first implemented the process, Apple’s product marketing manager said, “We are making better decisions, faster.”

Consumer Electronics

At BOSE, John managed the development of products such as the BOSE® Wave® Music System and Noise-Cancelling Headphones, which millions of customers enjoy worldwide. He was chief engineer at BOSE and was responsible for many categories of successful products (electronics, powered speakers, and headphones).

Internet Infrastructure

Created an Agile discovery process to speed the development of transformative technology. From the ground up, he also created an Agile organization to manage independent teams. The result was the introduction of a new product, bringing in new revenues and customers.

Medical Technology

Implemented a program management transformation with a large US/German R&D organization that adheres to design control to improve predictability.


Implemented sprints, including tracking, definition of done, and novel (and simple) demonstrations, improving execution and increasing internal customer focus.


Developed a lightweight Agile/Scrum process with a global team, creating a next-generation product operating platform that improved velocity.

Consulting Approach

TCGen Agile Consulting Approach

TCGen’s approach begins with a thorough assessment of your organization’s needs and follows it with focused training for team members and their managers:

Assess & Recommend

  • We first highlight the pain points (usually product definition and delays).
  • Then we agree on goals and KPIs to improve product management. 

Inch-Wide, Mile-Deep Implementation

  • We then identify a small number of the most effective levers of improvement.
  • We associate each of these product management levers with a metric.

Review & Refine

  • Finally, we manage each improvement initiative as a project and staff it for success.
Product Management Consulting Approach

The Difference

TCGen’s Approach to Product Development Consulting

Although each engagement is unique, most are variations of these types.

Assessments & benchmarking

Capability transformation & change management

One-on-one coaching & guidance by your side

Why Choose Us

Benefits of engaging with us

With years of consulting experience in lightweight, iterative processes, TCGen Founder John Carter has developed expertise in new product development process improvement. He has learned and developed many product development best practices and a robust knowledge base. TCGen’s approach enables clients to decrease time-to-market, to make reliable organizational change that makes a difference in projects, and empower teams, improving morale and cutting waste.

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Customized Solutions

We develop the project plan with you to create an engagement that achieves measurable product development goals.

Assessment & Planning

Our proprietary assessment process yields deep insights for your team. We identify the root causes behind your product portfolio management challenges and then develop solutions that improve your ability to select winners.

Predictive Metrics

Expertise in metrics is a hallmark of TCGen. We rely on measurement to motivate change and monitor progress.

Sustainable Best Practices

Your investment in TCGen earns increased organizational capability. We implement Best Practices and teach you how to build on the improvements to prepare your company for the next challenge.

Grow Year Over Year Revenue By


Increase Profit Margin By


Increase Engineering Productivity From

30% to 64%

Ability To Scale Dev Capacity By


Decrease Time To Market By


Decrease Product Defects By



Latest Articles from TCGen’s Experts

TCGen’s Product Management Experts

John Carter

TCGen Principal & Founder

Nolan Myers

TCGen Principal

John Sadler

TCGen Principal