Minnesota Personal Injury Attorneys

Minnesota Personal Injury Attorneys

Our Minnesota Personal Injury Attorneys Handle Matters Relating to Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, Sexual Assault, and Workers’ Comp. Intake services are available 24/7 to help you get in touch with one of our attorneys.

In a perfect world, everyone goes home from work safe and sound. In reality, accidents happen and all too often the needs of the victim go unresolved. Let us get you the treatment and compensation that you deserve. We help maximize your results by being active problem solvers that will fight to protect your rights, finances, and ultimately your best interests.

“They are very experienced and work great as a team”


The entire team was there to ACTUALLY, listen to my situation and help me through every step of the process. As someone who doesn’t understand the legal world, this gave me extreme comfort. Thank you so much

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Great team, My Attorney Ben, and his paralegal Marci. I’m glad that I chose this Law Firm.

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They did a great job helping me out with my case.

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Ingrid is kind, supportive and kept me informed every step of the way.it’s such a blessing to have someone who is able to stand and fight for you. I highly recommended Ingrid and her staff.

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Great work comp team and I would chose Ben and Marci again to fight a my case. In my days of Anger, sadness and confusion this team here from Ben Heimerl’s office fought the fight and got me thru. Really felt like a family sticking up for me❤️ Thanks again Team

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Heimerl & Lammers are one of the best law firms in Minnesota I recommend, they we’re very helpful I give them 5 stars Benjamin Heimerl, Marci Wendi was very helpful, intelligent and they answered all my questions that I needed answered so I advise you guys to connect with them, Thanks again Marci Wendi and Heimerl & Lammers! You guys are the best!

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I like lawyers more now due to my experience with your firm. I was always treated with respect. There were no surprises. Very responsive. Ben and I marched lockstep. I was treated fairly under the law. I would be back if ever needed. Thank you all. You made a difference in my life.

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Had first rate service and communication from Scott and his team from day one,they took care of me,i highly recommend them!

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From the onset Scott Kruger was courteous, professional, genuinely concerned, and in the end very successful in managing my case. He carefully guided me through the most traumatic, and uncertain times of my many years. Not only do I consider him a fine, principled attorney, I now consider him a friend.

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I really enjoyed working with Scott and his assistants. I enjoyed the quick service the respect and the courtesy shown. I really enjoyed the compassion show to my brother who is developmentally disabled. Especially when we came into the office for the zoom call with the judge. It is just so nice to see how they treat people with disabilities. Scott is such a great attorney and he is recommended highly. I will always recommend both the law firm and Scott for our future cases that I know people if they have any personal injury cases and your law firm for any services and any future services I need I will be coming to you first. I have a workman’s comp case. I’m working on now for myself and if I would have known about you 2 years ago I probably would have came to you guys first.
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I am not much of a review writer however, this one had to be written. I cannot say enough about Jessica W. Jessica is the paralegal I work with on my case at H&L. She is professional, attentive and showed genuine care when working with me. I thought customer care was a lost art but Jessica made me believe again. Not one call went unanswered and there were many. She ALWAYS made me feel like she was actually listening and followed up on any and all things related to my case. I would recommend H&L simply for the care that is taken! Thank you Jessica! My case is over and settled and I am grateful for that! I will miss chatting with you! Keep up the good work my friend.
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Bridgette, Personal Injury

Scott has been the best lawyer! I experienced my first ever auto accident followed by a year of recovering. I had never gone through a lawsuit process before and I honestly had no idea where to begin let alone what that looked like. He informed me from not only the beginning in our consultation but the entire journey until the end and understood my situation wholeheartedly. I pray to never have to experience a situation like this again and I could not be more appreciative! If you can relate from my situation or even if yours is a little different- I highly recommend even at the very least consulting with him. I cannot thank you enough Scott!!

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I can’t express enough about my experience with my Attorney Scott Kruger. He stood by me from the first day. Came to the accident, the hospital, and follow up at home. Continued to work forward for me every step of the way. It’s been a long haul and he’s always kept me informed and always been transparent about my case. Thanks to a great attorney my case got settled and I’m very greatful for my settlement and all his hard devoted work, and his team.

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Injury Law Practice Area’s – Find an Expert

Explore Personal Injury Cases: Types of Compensation, Statue of Limitations, and More. Not seeing your specific injury listed? Our team is here to evaluate your situation.


Wrongful Death

The death of a loved one causes a lifetime of grief, especially when that loved one is taken from you unexpectedly. If you have recently lost a loved one due to the negligence of someone else, then you probably feel like you’re going through the motions of life and that is it. You wake up, get out of bed if you feel like it, eat if you feel like it, and you probably just go back to bed after performing a few menial tasks throughout your day.


Auto Accidents

Every month, more than 3,140 people are injured in car accidents in Minnesota. If it happens to you, dealing with issues such as insurance claims, medical care, compensation for lost wages, and property damage to your car can be a trying ordeal.

You don’t have to deal with these issues alone. At the law firm of Heimerl & Lammers, we offer a free initial consultation to answer your questions and give you advice.


Motorcycle Accidents

There is no such thing as a minor motorcycle accident. When a careless driver runs into someone on a motorcycle, the biker is usually hurt and hurt badly. At the law firm of Heimerl & Lammers, our job is to hold that careless driver accountable.

You don’t have to deal with these issues alone. At the law firm of Heimerl & Lammers, our motorcycle accident lawyers can help. We offer a free initial consultation to answer your questions.


Trucking Accidents

Semi truck accidents result in some of the most serious personal injury cases we handle at the law firm of Heimerl & Lammers. Regardless of who was at fault in a car-truck collision, it is always the driver and passengers in the car who pay the price. As lawyers, we take our responsibilities of representing those victims very seriously.

If you or a family member has been injured in an accident involving a tractor-trailer, your life will be changed for many months ¾ and perhaps permanently.




Traumatic Brain Injuries

Any accident that causes a blow to the head can result in mild or severe brain injury. Even a mild brain injury has serious consequences since brain damage is usually permanent. Unlike other parts of our body, our brain does not heal following a traumatic injury.

If you think that you or a loved one may have suffered a brain injury in an accident, our brain injury lawyers offer a free initial consultation to answer your questions and discuss your legal options.




Slip and Fall

Homeowners, businesses and local governments have a duty to provide a reasonably safe environment for people who come onto their property. This area of law is known as premises liability, and it covers people who are injured in slip and fall accidents, assaults and other injuries cause by dangerous property conditions.

At the law firm of Heimerl & Lammers, we offer a free initial consultation to answer your questions about premises liability law.




Workers' Compensation

Workers’ compensation claims in Minnesota can be extremely frustrating and confusing. Insurance companies employ hundreds of attorneys and claims adjusters who handle these cases every day, and they are not always looking out for your best interests.


Spinal Cord Injuries

An injury to your spine or spinal cord can change your life in an instant. If you are living with pain or numbness in your neck, back, arms, or legs following a car crash or an accident at work, it’s important to get good legal and medical advice as soon as possible.

At the personal injury law firm of Heimerl & Lammers, we have helped hundreds of people recover compensation for neck, back, and spinal cord injuries caused in a variety of accidents. Our spinal cord injury attorneys offer a free initial consultation to answer your questions and explain your rights.



Dog Bites

An attack by a dog does not end when the wound heals. The physical effects can linger, and the bodily and psychological scarring can last a lifetime. Bites often can require reparative and plastic surgery, and it is not uncommon for victims to need physical therapy.

Contact our dog bite attorneys for a free consultation to answer your questions about your rights and options after being injured by a dog attack.



Construction work is both physically demanding and dangerous. When an accident occurs, it can have consequences both for your health and your career. When so much is at stake, it only makes sense to obtain legal advice if you’ve been injured.

At the law firm of Heimerl & Lammers in we offer a free initial consultation to answer your questions about your rights and your options if you’ve been injured on the job. Or read more about Minnesota workplace accidents.


Dram Shop Liability

Minnesota has what are called “Dram laws.” These are laws that can hold taverns, bars, and other establishments that serve alcohol responsible for damages caused by their drunken patrons. If it is found the establishment served alcohol illegally, they can be held liable for the damages that occur as a result.

If you have been injured by the actions of a drunk driver, your Minnesota dram shop attorney can help you find the justice that is rightfully yours.



Burn Injuries

Burn injuries are painful and many times they lead to death. As a matter of fact, the survival rate for burn injuries is not very high at all, depending on the extent of the burns. A Minnesota burn injury lawyer has seen all kinds of burn injuries and has represented the victims in these cases or their families if the victim did not survive the incident. And any time an attorney has represented these individuals, it has been because the burn injuries were not their fault or the fault of their loved one.



You are not alone

We Can Help.

The attorneys and staff at our law firm take the time to actually listen to our clients. We will carefully explain the process you are facing and guide you through it while looking out for your best interests. We know that each client’s individual situation is unique and important to them. Therefore, we won’t treat your representation with the “cookie-cutter” approach other law firms seem to take.



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