Timeless records, Modern Solutions, Preserving the Past, Powering the future.

We provide solutions with leading-edge document imaging technology, digital storage and retrieval, and large-capacity handling that is perfect for any organization.

Our Concierge Service offers a convenient and cost-effective way to acquire all the Official Documents and Records for your business needs.

Microimaging Source Inc. provides professional document scanning and conversion services


We use state-of-the-art technology to create an index for your documents including document type, author, date created, and keywords to make it easy for you to search for and find easily and quickly.

Official Records

We leverage our strong working relationships with counties to provide our clients with the latest Florida County updates as soon as they’re released.

Document Management

Once your documents have been scanned and indexed, the next step is finding the right platform to manage all that data. Let us help you find a solution that works best for your business.

Request Your Complimentary
Document Management Consultation

We provide a personalized review of your companies needs and objectives, helping you determine how your business can benefit from our services. This service is free, so why wait; start realizing the benefits of efficient records management today.

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