
The Challenge You Face

Facing criminal charges or undergoing divorce proceedings can seem like an overwhelming challenge, threatening your freedom, reputation, and future. The uncertainty and stress can be overwhelming, leaving you unsure of where to turn.

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(970) 791-2006
Monday through Friday
 8:00am – 5:30pm
Schedule Your Personal Consultation Today

Our Services

Our clients include individuals seeking extensive estate plans, those confronting criminal charges such as DUI/DWAI and domestic violence, or those undergoing divorce proceedings. We offer transparent, flat-fee, hourly and mixed fee legal services designed to simplify your situation and provide clarity in challenging times.

Criminal Charges
Domestic Violence
Family Law
Child Custody
Estate Planning
Wills and Trusts

A Future Uncompromised

Success Scenario: "Envision a future where you overcome the current challenges—where your rights are protected, and you move forward with confidence."
Failure Scenario: "Without strategic defense, the risks are significant—unfair sentencing, lasting reputational damage, and barriers to future opportunities."

Meet Your Attorney

At The Harrell Law Firm, PLLC, we're more than just your legal counsel; we're your steadfast ally. Led by a seasoned attorney with a passion for justice and an unwavering commitment to clients, we provide the experienced counsel you need to navigate the legal system confidently.

More About SEAN

Our Clients Speak

Discover the difference we've made in the lives of those we've represented, through their own words. For more real-life stories, visit our Google Business page.

Sean made everything seem calm. He was confident and really listened when I had questions or concerns. I would recommend him to anyone!
I'm so thankful to Mr. Harrell and his staff for helping me all the way with my case. I highly recommend Mr. Harrell firm and I strongly feel very satisfied/pleased with my case been resolved.
I recommend Sean Harrell for anyone facing an unjust accusation or a tough legal battle. He employs good communication and is very effective. I was more than satisfied with the results his firm achieved.
Sean made everything seem calm. He was confident and really listened when I had questions or concerns. I would recommend him to anyone!

Your Path to Resolution

Local Expertise, National Recognition Leveraging deep roots in Loveland and extensive experience across Northern Colorado, The Harrell Law Firm, PLLC has been recognized by The National Trial Lawyers among the Top 100 attorneys for criminal defense in Colorado. This combination ensures that every client benefits from community-focused attention coupled with award-winning legal strategies.
Develop Your Personalized Legal Strategy The firm believes that every case is as unique as the person behind it. Dedicated personal attention to understanding each client’s story and goals is paramount. Our method involves developing litigation or estate planning strategies that articulate your objectives with respect, sincerity, and commitment, guaranteed.
Proven Track Record of Success The commitment to justice at The Harrell Law Firm, PLLC, is reflected in a proven track record of successful case resolutions, enabling clients to leave the challenging events that led them to us behind, thereby opening the door to a more hopeful future. This record is built on thorough legal research, strong negotiation skills, and fearless courtroom advocacy.

Helpful Articles

To help you better understand how the law applies to your situation, browse our helpful articles.
