Discover A Holistic Approach To Psychotherapy

Go Beyond Conventional Therapy For A Holistic Approach To Transform Your Life & Wellbeing

More Than A Diagnosis

You are WAY more than a label. We help you remove obstacles so you can step into the real, harmonious YOU.

Supporting Your Every Step

Down-to-earth, caring therapists who are there to support you even in-between sessions.

Holistic Healing Is Real Healing

We treat the full you – body, mind, energy & spirit. 

The Most Advanced Holistic Psychotherapy

We’re not here to simply help you “manage” your problems or symptoms. Our goal is total healing.

Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Personalized strategies to regain calm and control.
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Restorative care to find joy and purpose again.
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Tics & Tourette's

Tics & Tourette's

Comprehensive techniques to manage and reduce tics.
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Chronic Stress Treatment

Chronic Stress Treatment

Stress takes a toll on the body in mysterious ways. Let's understand it and heal.
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Clear Immune Dysfunction and Get Lasting Relief For Allergy
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Restore calm from you Babies mysterious pain and discomfort
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Guided support for developmental challenges
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Navigate adolescence with confidence and resilience.
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Couple’s Therapy

Couple’s Therapy

Strengthening bonds through understanding and communication.
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Cope & Heal from past traumas for a brighter future
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Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Personalized strategies to regain calm and control.
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Restorative care to find joy and purpose again.
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Couple’s Therapy

Couple’s Therapy

Strengthening bonds through understanding and communication.
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Chronic Stress Treatment

Chronic Stress Treatment

Stress takes a toll on the body in mysterious ways. Let's understand it and heal.
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Cope & Heal from past traumas for a brighter future
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Tics & Tourette's

Tics & Tourette's

Comprehensive techniques to manage and reduce tics.
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Restore calm from you Babies mysterious pain and discomfort
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Guided support for developmental challenges
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Clear Immune Dysfunction and Get Lasting Relief For Allergy
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Navigate adolescence with confidence and resilience.
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Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Personalized strategies to regain calm and control.
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Restorative care to find joy and purpose again.
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Tics & Tourette's

Tics & Tourette's

Comprehensive techniques to manage and reduce tics.
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Couple’s Therapy

Couple’s Therapy

Strengthening bonds through understanding and communication.
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Cope & Heal from past traumas for a brighter future
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Chronic Stress Treatment

Chronic Stress Treatment

Stress takes a toll on the body in mysterious ways. Let's understand it and heal.
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Restore calm from you Babies mysterious pain and discomfort
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Guided support for developmental challenges
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Navigate adolescence with confidence and resilience.
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Clear Immune Dysfunction and Get Lasting Relief For Allergy
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The Holistic Difference

Treating The Whole You

You don’t need years of aimless talk therapy to thrive. Our holistic psychotherapists work with the wisdom of your body to make a tangible shift in your life with each session.The mind-body connection is a central component of our holistic approach. We utilize bio-feedback of the body and the sub-conscious mind for discovery and healing in ways that talk therapy alone cannot do. With our care and expertise, you’ll break out of despair and negative mental patterns. We’ll free you from the deep-rooted blockages that bring you down. Within a few months of holistic psychotherapy, you’ll be empowered with the tools to thrive.
Results You Can Expect

Effective Holistic Psychotherapy

Proactive Assignments And Goals

To Keep You On-Target Between Sessions

Support Between Sessions

Support Between Sessions Via Text And Emergency Sessions Upon Request

A Tangible Release

Of Negative Emotions After Every Session

A Significant Transformation

Many Patients Experieince Real Change After Only 3 Months

Our Therapists

Dr. Uri Kenig


Dr. Uri Kenig is a psychotherapist with 25 years of experience. He’s the creator of the revolutionary therapeutic method: Integrated Physical Emotional Clearing (IPEC), and has published four books on the topic.

Dalia Kenig


Dalia Kenig, M.A is a licensed Psychotherapist in Encino CA with a vast background in Body-Mind Holistic treatment. Dalia specializes in the treatment of trauma, anxiety, depression, postpartum depression, relationships, and chronic health conditions. She integrates clinical and holistic methods to support her patients naturally.

What Does A Typical Appointment Look Like

Every single session is thoughtfully planned and focused in order to provide the greatest impact. Most of our clients report a huge feeling of release and relief after each session.

Talk Therapy

We’re here to listen with caring and compassion. But we’re also here to challenge you with thought-provoking comments and questions. Together we’ll flip limiting paradigms and beliefs.

Energy Healing

We gauge the health of your energy body using muscle testing. Trauma and other painful emotions get stuck in the physical or energy body. We help release them with our advanced energy-healing modalities.

Proactive Assignments

In order to accelerate your growth and healing in between sessions, we give you helpful tools and assignments. The goal is to foster self-awareness, personal growth, and full healing


Holistic Psychotherapy is an approach to therapy that takes into account the interconnectedness of the mind, body, emotions, and spirit. It goes beyond traditional talk therapy for a comprehensive and balanced approach to healing and personal growth.

Key aspects of Holistic Psychotherapy include:

  1. Mind-Body Connection: Recognizing that mental and emotional well-being can significantly impact physical health and vice versa.
  2. Spiritual and Existential Exploration: Exploring questions related to purpose, meaning, and spirituality as they pertain to an individual’s mental health.
  3. Complementary Techniques: Incorporating a wide range of therapeutic techniques, such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga, energy healing, and body-centered approaches, alongside traditional talk therapy.
  4. Personalized Care: Tailoring the therapeutic approach to each individual’s unique needs.
  5. Promotion of Balance: Aiming to achieve a sense of balance and harmony across all aspects of a person’s life, fostering authenticity
  6. Efficiency: Often seeking more efficient solutions, holistic psychotherapy may provide proactive tools for positive change, potentially leading to shorter-term treatment.

Traditional talk therapy primarily focuses on addressing specific psychological symptoms and challenges through verbal communication and structured techniques. Its aim is to alleviate distress and improve mental health. In contrast, holistic psychotherapy takes a broader approach, considering the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit. It incorporates diverse techniques like mindfulness, meditation, and body-centered approaches to promote healing and well-being on multiple levels. This approach emphasizes personal growth and self-awareness.

Holistic psychotherapy seeks efficiency, often providing proactive tools for change. This can potentially lead to shorter-term treatment. Instead of merely alleviating symptoms and fixing problems, holistic psychotherapy aims to create a radical change in one’s attitude and perspective. It achieves this by freeing you from emotional and energetic blockages that hinder your ultimate harmony and happiness.

Yes we do provide online holistic psychotherapy sessions We work virtually with clients across the world. We also provide tele-therapy to local clients who prefer to connect from the convenience of their home. Virtual sessions provides easy access and flexibility.

Holistic psychotherapy is absolutely safe, because it’s conducted by our trained and licensed therapists who prioritize individualized care. We use non-invasive and client-centered approaches. We emphasize informed consent and client autonomy. Our energy healing methods are very gentle. We continually check in with clients to make sure they’re comfortable throughout the course of treatment.

Face to face therapy and online therapy are both effective and yield good outcomes. We’re able to conduct muscle testing and employ our energy healing tools even from a distance. People choose one method over the other for different reasons.

The common reasons why people choose virtual therapy are easy access, convenience, saving commuting time, or because the live in different locations. Other people may prefer the experience of physical presence of the therapist in a neutral and peaceful setting we’ve created in our Encino office.

Absolutely, we offer a free phone chat with one of therapists (click this link to start the process). You can ask us any specific questions you might have and receive information about our center. It also offers us the opportunity to get an initial understanding of your challenges. You’ll learn exactly how we would address these challanges if we work together.

At our  holistic psychotherapy center, we operate on a self-pay basis. This means we do not directly accept insurance. However, we are committed to making the holistic therapeutic process accessible to our clients. As such, we provide detailed invoices for each session. Clients can submit these invoices to their insurance providers for potential reimbursement. This approach allows us to maintain a focus on delivering high-quality, personalized care. It  also offering the flexibility for clients to seek potential coverage through their insurance plans. We understand that navigating insurance can be complex, and our team is here to support clients in the process,.

Let’s Begin The Healing Journey

Experience the Transformative Power Of Holistic Psychotherapy. 

Live & Remote Appointments Available

We prioritize your comfort and convenience. Whether you prefer in-office face-to-face sessions or the flexibility of remote tele-therapy, our dedicated therapists are here to support your journey from anywhere you choose.


Weekdays – 9AM – 7PM (pacific time)
Sundays – Closed
Legal Holidays – Closed

Inspiring Stories

Patients At The Holistic Psychotherapy Center Inspire



“Dr. Uri Kenig is one of the best facilitators of personal growth and healing. In my experience, Dr. Kenig’s work allows for positive results in minimal time frames.

“I sought support during a period of great stress and grief. With Dr. Kenig I was able to process through issues quickly and get back to productive living. Dr. Kenig stayed on course with me, and I was able to reach my goal of getting strong enough to handle many life changes simultaneously including my father’s illness and death.”

-Mikol S.


“I met Dalia Kenig when I was a young, confused woman in search of what would make me happy… I thought the answer to happiness was getting married, having kids, etc. and that life would start once all of that happened. Dalia was the only person who was able to show me that life does not begin when you reach certain goals, rather they begin right now, every day, not in the future. Happiness is not a goal, rather it is a daily journey, one day at a time.

Dalia is patient, understanding, intuitive, spiritual, and very smart. She will always know the right thing to say when struggling and give you the resources and ways to think about a situation. She is also very available when you really need her. I would not be the person I am today without her guidance. There isn’t a week that goes by when I don’t say to myself…”What would Dalia say?”

-Laurie D.

Start Your Healing Journey Today

Take The First Step Towards Holistic Healing And Book A Free Discovery Call.

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The Holistic Psychotherapy Center is here for you to overcome and thrive – Heart, Mind, and Body!

We invite you to a free, no-pressure call to learn if our treatments are right for you.

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