Sayco Tree Service



Tree Service Company in Rowland Heights CA

​Trees are a crucial part of the ecosystem and offer valuable benefits to both humans and the environment. They provide shade, improve air quality, and increase the overall aesthetic appeal of a property. However, as much as trees are essential, they can also pose a significant risk if not taken care of properly. That's why you need a trusted tree service company to take care of all your tree-related needs. We are the leading tree service company that offers a range of services to our clients. 

What We Offer

We offer a wide range of tree services to our clients. Our services include:

Our team of certified arborists has the knowledge and expertise to handle all types of tree-related issues and ensure that your trees are in the best possible condition all year round.

Where We Serve

​We serve many areas in Rowland Heights, CA, including residential and commercial properties. Additionally, we cover surrounding areas and provide services to those in need. We always aim to provide the best service to our clients no matter where they are located.

  • ​Otterbein, CA 
  • Marne, CA 
  • Rowland, CA 
  • South San Jose Hills, CA 
  • La Habra Heights, CA 
  • Hacienda Heights, CA 
  • La Habra, CA 
  • Walnut, CA 
  • La Puente, CA 
  • Puente Junction, CA 

Tree Service Pricing

​Our pricing is reasonable, ensuring that our clients get quality tree services without breaking the bank. The price we charge depends on the services you need, the size of the tree, and the complexity of the job. We are open with our pricing and provide transparent quotes to our clients. We offer free consultations to assess your needs at no charge.

Tree Service Company Near Me

​Are you searching for a reliable tree service company near you? Look no further than us. Not only do we offer services, but we also offer services in nearby cities and towns. We understand the local climate, soil, and tree species, which enables us to provide tailored solutions to our clients' tree care needs.

We offer a variety of tree care services, we serve a broad geographical area, we provide transparent pricing, and we have an experienced and certified team of arborists and technicians. Whether you need tree pruning, removal, or stump grinding, we have got you covered. Contact us today for a free estimate and let us help you take care of your trees.

Why Should You Go With Us?

​Whether you have a big backyard or live in an overcrowded apartment complex, maintaining your trees is crucial. Trees offer a plethora of benefits, including cooling homes, purifying air, and reducing the heat island effect. With so many tree service companies, it can be challenging to choose the right one for your needs. If you're looking for a reliable and efficient tree service company, you've come to the right place. Here are some reasons why you should choose our tree service company:

​Our tree service company has been operating for years. We have the necessary tools, knowledge, and expertise to handle any tree-related issue. Our team ensures that your property is safe while removing tree limbs and branches.

​Tree services can be expensive, and you don't want to break the bank for the sake of trimming a few trees. Our tree service company takes pride in providing affordable services for all our clients. We ensure that our prices match the quality of service rendered. Also, we offer discounts to our loyal clients, making our services more affordable.

​Choosing an unlicensed and uninsured tree service company is a recipe for disaster. Any damage to your property or injury can lead to lawsuits that will leave you financially drained. Our tree service company is licensed, bonded, and insured, protecting you and us in case of an accident. Additionally, our team follows safety protocols, ensuring that everyone remains safe, and your property stays intact.

Excellent customer service is vital when choosing a tree service company. We pride ourselves on providing quality customer service to all clients. Our team will listen to your concerns, answer your questions, and offer professional recommendations. We will work with you, ensuring that you're satisfied with our services and that your trees are healthy and well-maintained.

​Our tree service company believes in upholding sustainable tree maintenance practices. We ensure that our tree trimming, pruning, and removal techniques are environmentally friendly. We avoid using chemicals that are harmful to tree health, such as saturating the soil with chemicals or using harmful pesticides. We also implement sustainable practices such as composting and recycling tree waste, reducing our carbon footprint while maintaining a healthy ecosystem.

​Choosing the right tree service company can make a significant difference in maintaining your trees. Our tree service company guarantees that you'll receive quality service, affordable prices, experienced arborists, and excellent customer service. Contact us today for all your tree trimming, pruning, and removal needs.


Get To Know Us

We pride ourselves on being the experts when it comes to all things trees. We understand that trees are a crucial part of the environment, and that's why we provide expert tree services such as tree removal, tree trimming or pruning, stump grinding or removal, and much more. Trust us, we know trees inside and out, so whether you need a tree doctor to diagnose an issue with your trees or emergency tree removal services, we've got you covered. Our team of tree specialists is dedicated to providing the highest quality services to ensure that your trees are healthy and thriving. Get to know us today and let us help you keep your trees looking their best!


Perks Of Hiring Tree Services

Trees are an essential part of the natural environment, one that needs to be preserved and maintained. They offer numerous benefits, including enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your compound, providing shade, and purifying the air. Therefore, it’s essential to ensure proper tree care to keep them looking their best. Hiring professional tree services ensures that your trees receive the care they need, ensuring a healthy and vibrant landscape.

Our tree service team is well trained and experienced in the industry, making us the best fit for your tree service needs. We have the necessary certification, licensing, and insurance required to operate on residential and commercial properties. Our team possesses vital insights into horticulture and can offer customized solutions based on your treescaping needs. By entrusting us with your trees, you can be sure that you’ll receive expert care that satisfies all of your needs.

Attempting to handle tree service needs on your own can be both time-consuming and expensive. You have to purchase tools, safety gears, and spend a lot of time perfecting techniques to ensure everything is done right. Save yourself time and money by contacting us for all your tree service needs. Our team is well-equipped with the necessary gear and tools to handle every task safely and efficiently.

Safeguarding your property and loved ones is essential. Leaving tree service tasks to experts is a smart move. Wielding power tools and working on tree limbs high up poses a significant risk to nonprofessionals. Our team has the necessary gear and experience to ensure each task is executed safely. When you hire us, you can rest easy knowing that your property and family are in safe hands.

We offer a wide range of tree services tailored to your particular needs. Our team specializes in tree removal, tree trimming, emergency tree services, tree disease identification, stump grinding, and tree planting. We also provide a tree care plan customized to your property needs, ensuring that your tree landscape remains healthy and vibrant all year round.

We recognize the importance of conservation and environmental stewardship in the tree service industry. Our tree service methods are eco-friendly and accountable to our natural environment. We also ensure proper disposal of waste and that all tree care meets local and federal regulations.

Trees are crucial to your property, and ensuring that they remain healthy and vibrant should be a priority. Hiring our professional tree services guarantees that you receive top-notch care for your treescapes. We offer comprehensive and customized solutions designed to meet your specific needs. Save yourself time and money and leave the tree service tasks to our certified and experienced team. Contact us today for all your tree service needs, and we'll be happy to offer unbeatable services.

An image of Tree Removal in Rowland Heights CA

Tree Removal in Rowland Heights CA

For many property owners, trees can bring natural beauty and shade to their land. However, sometimes they can become a nuisance or even a danger. Whether it's due to disease, decay, or the tree simply being in the wrong place, sometimes a tree has to go. That's where our tree removal services come in. Our team of professionals has the knowledge and expertise to safely remove trees without damaging your property or surrounding landscape. We make sure to thoroughly clean up after ourselves, so you're left with a clear and unobstructed view of your property. Trust us to handle all of your tree removal needs.

An image of Tree Trimming/Pruning in Rowland Heights CA

Tree Trimming/Pruning in Rowland Heights CA

At our tree trimming or pruning services, we understand the importance of maintaining the health and beauty of your trees. Trees not only provide shade and a beautiful atmosphere, but they also help improve air quality. That's why we take careful consideration when it comes to trimming and pruning. Our experienced team uses specialized equipment to ensure that your trees are trimmed and pruned to perfection. So whether you need a simple trim or a more complicated pruning job, you can count on us to get the job done efficiently and effectively. Trust us to take care of your trees today!

An image of Stump Grinding/Removal in Rowland Heights CA

Stump Grinding/Removal in Rowland Heights CA

Tired of dealing with unsightly and hazardous stumps in your yard? Look no further than our stump grinding or removal services. Our team of experienced professionals will assess your specific needs and provide cost-effective solutions to get rid of those pesky stumps for good. We understand the importance of maintaining a beautiful and safe outdoor space, and we strive to exceed your expectations with our exceptional customer service and high-quality workmanship. Choose our stump grinding or removal services today and enjoy a smoother, safer, and more visually appealing yard design in no time.


We are Rowland Heights CA’s Best Tree Service Company!

We pride ourselves on being the best tree service company in the area. Our team of expert tree specialists has the skills and knowledge needed to take care of all your tree-related needs, whether it's tree removal, tree trimming or pruning, stump grinding or removal. We understand that emergencies can happen at any time, which is why our tree doctor is available 24/7 for emergency tree removal. We are committed to providing exceptional service to each and every one of our customers, and we always go above and beyond to ensure that your trees are healthy, beautiful, and safe. Let us take care of your trees so that you can enjoy the beauty of your yard worry-free.

Our Tree Service Company Goals and Mission

As professionals, we understand the importance of having a clear set of objectives to help us maintain our reputation for delivering high-quality tree services. Our goals are aligned with our mission, and we work tirelessly to ensure that these objectives are met. We are committed to providing our clients with the best tree care service possible, and we strive to exceed their expectations.

​We strive to provide exceptional tree care service to our customers. We believe that every client deserves our best effort, and we work hard to ensure that we are always delivering the highest quality of service. One of our main objectives is to achieve complete customer satisfaction. We recognize that happy customers are critical to building a robust and trustworthy business. Therefore, our goal is to consistently exceed our customer's expectations. We achieve this by ensuring that our team is well-trained, experienced, and professional. Additionally, we invest in modern equipment that is safe, efficient, and reliable.

​Our mission is to maintain a thriving business by providing quality tree service that is both safe and reliable. We are committed to helping our customers maintain healthy and attractive trees that add value to their properties. We aim to build lasting relationships with our customers by consistently providing excellent service that exceeds their expectations. We also believe in giving back to our communities by providing tree removal services during emergency situations such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and other natural disasters. In essence, our mission is to be the go-to tree service company in our region.

Our goals and mission are centered on providing exceptional service to our customers, promoting safety, and giving back to our communities. We are committed to ensuring that our team is well-trained and equipped with the latest equipment and technology to deliver quality service. Our safety and philanthropic efforts are driven by our desire to be responsible corporate citizens. We are passionate about our work, and we strive to make a positive impact in our community. Contact our team today for all your tree care needs.

Don't Take Our Word For It. Hear What Our Customers Say!

​If you are living in or around the area and in need of a trusted and reliable tree service company, choose us! Not only do we offer an array of tree care services, but we have built a solid reputation in the community for our exceptional customer service. But don’t just take our word for it – hear from our satisfied clients themselves!

“My family has always used Sayco Tree Service for our tree care needs, and we’ve never been disappointed. They always take the time to assess the health of our trees and provide recommendations for what needs to be done. They’re thorough, efficient, and respectful of our property – we trust them completely.” – Kelly M.

“I was blown away by the work that Sayco Tree Service did for me. I had a huge tree that had been causing me problems for months, but they were able to come in and cut it down efficiently and carefully without causing any damage to my property. Their crew was professional, skilled, and friendly – I couldn’t have asked for a better experience.” – Sarah L.

“I was so impressed with Sayco Tree Service that I recommended them to my neighbor, who was dealing with a similar tree issue as me. Not only did they provide exceptional service, but they offered a fair price that was lower than other competitors in the area. Their dedication to quality and affordability is unmatched.” – Michael R.

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