Innovation. Quality. Trust. / A World of Experience

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The combination of effective leadership and solid teamwork creates in BPA an incredible spirit of group responsibility and dedication.

Recent Projects

Our designs involve a comprehensive process of understanding client requirements and incorporating them into a carefully thought out and cohesive concept.

United States Embassy
Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina

Ongoing project that includes the design and construction of a new warehouse with high-bay bulk storage, support functions, and shops.
United States Embassy
Georgetown, Guyana

Major rehabilitation project that included perimeter security, compound access control upgrades, emergency sanctuary, as well as roof and facade replacements.
United States Embassy
Montevideo, Uruguay

Physical security upgrade project that included the construction of a new compound access control building, designed to preserve the architectural significance of the adjacent existing Chancery building.

Architectural Design

1BPA offers our clients a unique and professionally diversified approach to problem solving, design generation and construction technology.

Construction Documents

2BPA works closely with our clients and consultants to develop construction documents that are accurate and fulfill client requirements.

Construction Administration

3BPA provides architectural support services during the construction phase and responds to any unforeseen conditions quickly and efficiently so that the integration of the original design is not altered or compromised.

3-D Renderings

4To help clients visualize projects, BPA offers architectural 3-D renderings, as well as walk-through and fly-by architectural animations using leading edge technology.