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Representing YOU and protecting YOUR rights!
About Our

Divorce Lawyer in Fort Lauderdale, FL

King Lindsey, P.A. is a litigation law firm serving South Florida – Broward County, Miami-Dade County, and Palm Beach County.  We provide our clients with personal attention. We are committed to aggressively representing YOU and protecting YOUR rights! Any legal issue can raise many questions. You may be feeling overwhelmed and may not always know how to proceed. The law can be complex. When encountering aspects of the law, like family law, child custody law, and divorce law, individuals often need a professional to guide them through the process. Regardless of whether you are facing a divorce, have been charged criminally, or have a civil litigation matter that must be resolved, King Lindsey, P.A. are compassionate and caring attorneys who will take the time to understand your case, your concerns, your worries, and fight to help you get the best possible solution under the law. We work closely with each client who walks through our doors to help settle their cases in a timely and satisfactory manner.

Divorce and Family Lawyers in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Our firm practices in all areas of family law, (such as divorce, child support, paternity matters), and associated matters. We understand that sometimes family and relationship problems can be emotionally draining. We provide clear, simple advice ensuring you fully understand all the options available so we can together make a balanced decision about how to proceed. While the decision to get divorced is often a private and highly emotional decision, at King Lindsey, P.A., we also understand that divorce is a legal and financial decision that must be handled with care. When getting divorced you’ll have to consider:

• Division of property
• Division of assets
• Division of debts
• Alimony
• Child custody
• Child support

If you have a prenuptial agreement, you may wonder how your agreement might play a role in your divorce settlement. King Lindsey, P.A. are family lawyers who can review all facts relevant to your case and provide you with a roadmap forward. If you have questions about how to proceed, King Lindsey, P.A. can help you navigate the legal aspects of your divorce. Our firm can help you understand your legal rights and work with you to resolve your matters outside of court. Our family attorneys also understand that sometimes matters cannot be resolved outside of court, and can aggressively fight on your side to help you get the best resolution either through external mediation or through litigation. Our goal is to provide you with legal services that exceed your expectations.

Child Custody and Child Support Lawyer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

If you are getting divorced and have children, one of the most difficult questions that arises during divorce involves parenting time, custody, and child support. Where will your children live? How will parenting time be split? What amounts of child support are owed? If paternity is in question, how do you establish paternity? These are many of the associated questions that can arise in a child custody matter.

If you have children and have questions about child custody and child support, King Lindsey, P.A. are family lawyers who can assist you with developing a parenting plan, determining child support, and finding a resolution to your child custody questions that will be in the best interest of the children and that will be best for your family. If you and your former spouse disagree about where your children should reside, Florida courts will use the best interests of the child standards to determine custody. A variety of factors are considered when determining child custody, including which parent has been the primary caretaker and which parent can provide the most stable home environment. These are just some of the factors that the courts might consider. In general, it is often best when parents can reach a child custody agreement outside of court. When parents take child custody matters to a judge, there is always the possibility that the judge might make a decision neither parent wants. With the help of child custody attorneys, parents are often able to negotiate a solution that works for them and their children. King Lindsey, P.A. are child custody attorneys in Fort Lauderdale, Florida who can help you understand your rights and find the best parenting plan solution for your family.

Criminal Defense Lawyer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

King Lindsey, P.A. are criminal defense attorneys in Fort Lauderdale, Florida who assist individuals who have been charged with a crime. If you have been arrested for a crime or are facing police questioning, the stress can be immense. Anything you say or do can impact the outcome of your case. It is important to remember that you have important rights. You are innocent until proven guilty. If you are arrested, you have the right to remain silent and have the right to ask for an attorney. The outcome of a case can have a major impact on your life, your future, and even your job. A criminal defense lawyer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida can help protect your rights and mount the strongest defense. Our firm handles a range of criminal charges, from misdemeanor charges to felony charges. We may be able to help you if you are facing charges for:

• Assault and Battery
• Aggravated Battery
• Domestic Violence Related Charges
• Driving Under the Influence (DUI)
• Driving While License Suspended (DWLS)
• Drug Offenses
• Possession of Marijuana
• Possession of Cocaine
• Possession of Oxycodone
• Expungement/Sealing of Criminal Record
• Leaving the Scene of an Accident
• Motion for Early Termination of Probation
• Motion to Modify Conditions of Probation
• Probation Violation
• Theft Charges:  Petit Theft & Grand Theft
• Weapons charges

Consider your future and protect your rights. Contact King Lindsey, P.A. today. Our qualified criminal defense lawyers in Fort Lauderdale, Florida can help you.

Civil Litigation in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Civil litigation involves many aspects of the law. For example, if you are a business in need of assistance, King Lindsey, P.A. may be able assist you. Our civil litigation attorneys can help you in any business dispute that may arise. Whether you need assistance with a contract, or enforcing a contract, we can help. Our firm can review your contracts to ensure that they are valid. If you have a question about personal injury, an employment dispute, or any other civil dispute, King Lindsey, P.A. are qualified civil lawyers who may be able to help. King Lindsey, P.A. are attorneys in Fort Lauderdale, who can also assist individuals who are facing landlord tenant disputes or other civil litigation matters.

Contact King Lindsey, P.A. Today

King Lindsey, P.A. understand that every case is unique. We provide our clients with the personalized attention they deserve and need, and make ourselves available to answer any questions that may arise. Protect your rights. Speak to our family law attorneys in Fort Lauderdale, Florida today.

Contact us today to discuss how we can help you!

633 South Federal Highway
Suite 200B
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
CALL NOW (954) 867-6518
Our firm will provide you with the personal
attention your case deserves.