Marketing Tips
Direct Marketing and Mail Order Glossary
Term Meaning ...more

How to Write a White Paper
By Gordon Graham You’ll likely know what makes a “classic&rdqu...more

10 must-haves for your marketing plan
AS the list of ways to promote your business grows, working out the mos...more

ATTENTION: Entrepreneur, Business Owner & Marketing Manager Who Want To Create A FREE Marketing Plan Faster and Easier...

"Discover The Simplest, Most Practical And Fastest Way To Create Your FREE Marketing Plan... RIGHT NOW"

In just a few minutes
your next marketing plan
could be complete. Done. Finished.

Because this little-known shortcut website helps you get your marketing plan and marketing calendar finished faster and easier.

Sandy Barris

Sandy Barris
Marketing specialist, author and as Jay Conrad Levinson humbly called Sandy - "Mr. Marketing Plan"

Dear Savvy Business Builder,

Using this Website to create your next marketing plans will be a real big time saver and a game changer for you.

Now, imagine experiencing the certainty, consistency and more focus having a marketing plan and marketing calendar most business owners only WISH they had.

Best part? You don't have to write anything.

Yep, you read that right...NO WRITING...

Michael Sales

"As a veteran marketer with over 10 years of experience. I enjoy the convenience of being able to create a marketing calendar with specific tactics and price estimates QUICKLY"

You'll get your market plan done FAST...

  1. First you Join Fast Marketing Plan FREE: Start your plan simply by opening your web browser and login to your new account...
    (20 seconds);
  2. Now, click the "FAST START PLANS" button, select your industry then your Fast Start Marketing Plan Template...
    (7 seconds);
  3. Next, you'll add and delete a few marketing tactics...
    (four, five, maybe six minutes);
  4. Now, you'll click "Save Plan" and your new Marketing Plan is DONE. FINISHED. COMPLETE.
    (3 seconds);

And YES, of course, you can...

  • Come back any time (365/24/7), make changes, edit and update your plans.
  • Or, simply do a "Save As" (just like most other applications) make a few changes and SAVE ANOTHER VERSION of your marketing plan!
  • Create as many as you want: 1...10... 100 marketing plans
    for each and every product, service, business, practice or idea you need to plan your marketing for.

Karen Geoller

"I needed help because I was not getting my marketing plan done. And Fast Marketing Plan helped me do just that! If you are reading this testimonial, I bet you need help with your marketing plan too. It's a relief that I finally found something that will help me!"

Think about it: You'll start and finish your next marketing plan right now in less time than it would take you to get a hair cut or have dinner at your favorite restaurant.

Join Fast Marketing Plan Now

A little history, okay? Since 1988, I've helpedhundredsof people with almost zero marketing experience create their very own plans and calendars to profitably market their products, services, practices, and ideas.

Then one day, it hit me, it can't be that hard to create a website anyone can use to put together a marketing plan much faster and without it costing them an arm and a leg.

Little did I know how much time it would take to make it really easy for you to use Fast Marketing Plan.

After all, there are over 897 pages of marketing tactics, tips, ideas all squeezed into this tiny website. Not bad for a non-tech marketing guy.

Anyway, it turned out to be a lot of fun, a labor of love, creating this Website to help you make your marketing plans.

I really truly want your marketing to be successful so I've tried to make the fastest and easiest way on earth to create your next marketing plan.

Yes, I know, the website is not mobile friendly, sorry about that (Google hates it). Anyway, I highly recommend creating your marketing plan using a desktop computer and browser. It'll make it so much easier for you.

Plus to help keep your marketing on track, you'll be emailed Monday Morning Email Marketing Reminders of what's coming up in your marketing plan that week.

Fair enough?...

Dwight Saunders

"The lists of Planning Ideas and Marketing Tips acted as a great checklist for the things I could be using to market my storage business."

You'll also get:

  • Access to over 117 ready-to-use "Fast Start" Marketing Plan Templates...
  • It's like having a Marketing Tactic "To Do" list
  • Printable marketing calendar.
  • Crystal clear descriptions of more than 663+ Marketing Tactics, many with suggested budgets that you can use in any marketing plan you create..
  • 101+ Marketing tips, secrets, marketing strategies and ideas to help you grow your business...
  • Jay Conrad Levinson "I hope people get that you gotta have a marketing plan and that you gotta commit to that marketing plan. Those are the two things to take away - a plan so simple that everybody can understand. And commitment to that plan. I know there are a lot of people who try running a business without having a marketing plan then they wonder why they're groping and crumbling. Start with a very basic, elementary marketing plan - it does not have to be complicated. I've never seen anybody unable to draft a good marketing plan within five minutes." Jay Conrad Levinson (the Father of Guerrilla Marketing)

    P.S It sure was humbling when Jay gave me the title of "Mr. Marketing Plan" during the above interview ... which by the way is included as a FREE bonus when you become a mem
    Complete glossaries of marketing, mobile marketing, printing, internet, direct marketing, and advertising terms, it's a complete guide...Everything you need in one simple place!
  • Practical and ready-to-put-to-use information you can use immediately to grow you business...
  • Unique marketing ideas and creative tips to promote your products, services business and ideas...
  • 24/7/365 day access from almost any web browser, smartphone or mobile device...
  • "How To" marketing ideas to help get your creative juices flowing immediately...
  • Short, concise plans that are much more effective and impactful...
  • Unlimited Marketing Plans. Create 1 or 5 or 25 or 100 for each product or service you offer...
  • An excellent marketing tool for almost any type of business...
  • No User Manual.
    WHY? It's simply not needed - Because on every webpage you'll see what to do and how to do it.
    It's simple, intuitive and uses your common sense thinking
    In fact, it's so simple to use that I promise you'll never need a single instruction. Now, if you ever have a question you can call me direct at 248-335-8766 and I'd be happy to help you any way I can.

Join Fast Marketing Plan Now

David Frey, small business marketing expert "Number one mistake, is Not having a marketing plan. You don't have to kill a tree to create an effective marketing plan. In fact, you can create a successful marketing plan for your business in just one day."
David Frey, small business marketing expert, from his report 6 deadly small business marketing mistakes (and how to fix them)"
More reasons to use Fast Marketing Plan...
  • Add personalized notes to each marketing tactic in any plan...
  • View and print your plan as a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly marketing calendar...
  • Viewing and printing your plan as a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly marketing tactic list...
  • Sorting your marketing tactics in any order you choose simply by clicking on the marketing list column header...
  • Exporting your marketing plan as an MS Excel, MS Word or an iCal file...
  • Importing your marketing plan and marketing calendar into your existing business plan...
  • Use your new marketing plan for whatever you want and need...
  • Reducing drastically the time needed to make your next plan and calendar. In fact, you''ll only need minutes (literally) not hours or weeks, and your marketing plan will be more useful than ever.
  • Scale your plan to any size -- from a one-person "solopreneur" to a Fortune-500 corporation...

Fast Marketing Plan Bonuses

Who else would you like
a few perfectly matched
Bonuses to go along
with your New Marketing Plan?

  • BonusJay Conrad Levinson Gift #1: A Eye-Opening "How To Do It" One-On-One Interview with Jay Conrad Levinson (the Father of Guerrilla Marketing) - A $97 Value, FREE! Discover Jay's astonishing generosity as he spills decades of proven ideas about what it takes to create a successful marketing plan.

  • Bonus Gift #2: A Revealing Conversation with Martin Howie Martin Howey, Founder & CEO of TopLine Business Solutions - A $97 Value, FREE! Martin delivers 27 ways to make your marketing plan more actionable and profitable.

  • Bonus Gift #3: Download your FREE copy of 'The Ultimate Marketing Success Checklist' - A $97 Value, FREE!. This exclusive must have Checklist provides you a mega-vaulable 20-point checklist to help you avoid the critical marketing mistakes that almost every marketer makes, (without knowing it) saving you time and money.

Surprise gift

Bonus Gift #4:

When Join Fast Marketing Plan
You'll Also Get A
FREE One-On-One

15-Minute Marketing Plan
Phone Consultations
(Reg: $250.00)

I charge $997.00 an hour
for market plan development.
So to get me, Sandy Barris, CEO of Fast Marketing Plan on the phone for a full 15-minutes FREE.

Ask me anything about marketing, marketing plans, advertising and business because I Love Marketing and would love to help you succeed more, grow more and prosper more too.

By the way, that's the bigger reason why I created Fast Marketing Plan.
To make your life easier.

And, as my "Thank You"
for Joining Fast Marketing Plan,
I want you to please keep, use and profit from all these
FREE bonus gifts even if you cancel down the road.

And you know what?
"You get all this for FREE."

Join Fast Marketing Plan Now

The Best Part Of All Is This...

You'll spend very little time actually "writing" your marketing plan. Because with Fast Marketing Plan it's all Done-For-You.

In fact, the first time you log in, you'll start out by selecting a Fast Start Plan that suddenly makes the fear and frustration of planning just melt away.

Bob, one of our long term members put it this way, "The magic is in the Fast Start Plans. After that the plan practically creates itself."

"Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into ACTION.

- Napoleon Hill - Think and Grow Rich, Page 62 (Six Ways To Turn Desire Into Gold)

Ready... Set... DONE!

We've been told that this website is easily worth the $3,700 that marketers have charged to create marketing plans. Heck, some software companies charge $299 & $599 and some online services charge $1,299 a year, have a manual an inch thick and are a pain-in-the-ass to use.

You all ready know that you're not going to pay $3,700... or $1,299... or even $299 to use Fast Marketing Plan.

So, if you're looking for the fastest, easiest and a no-brainer way to get your marketing plan done in record time, for FREEthis is the best place to be...

"Simply click here now and you'll have
your next marketing plan and marketing calendar done
in 6 or 7 minutes from now."

And, if you don't make your next marketing plan in 6 or 7 minutes, ask for your investment back because I won't have earned your trust or business.

Fair enough? Simple enough? That's what you are here for, right? Excellent!
Join now.

I'm counting on you experiencing one of the fastest and easiest ways to get your marketing focused and kicked into the highest gear. You'll never have a better opportunity.

Dedicated To Your Marketing Success,

Sandy Barris

Sandy Barris
President & CEO
Fast Marketing Plan

P.S. You'll be amazed at how much faster, simpler and smarter it is to create your next marketing plan. Plus, as a special bonus, you'll get one-on-one personal marketing plan help from me.

P.P.S. Your FREE bonuses can be download immediately-even before you create your marketing plan and you'll also get a FREE Surprise Mystery Bonus that I know you'll profit from.

Yes, I want to get my plan done FREE! I'm in!

Join Fast Marketing Plan Now

Chris Lewis

"I recommend Fast Marketing Plan to all my clients!"