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 United States Business Directory
88 Keys Music Academy

1012 S. BALDWIN AVE. SUITE #B, Arcadia, California, 91007, United States

Phone: 626.445.5397

Fax: 626.445.5397

Email 88 Keys Music Academy

About 88 Keys Music Academy

Established January 1997

88 Keys Music Academy is located in the heart of Arcadia, California. Our experienced and accomplished instructors love music with a passion and are ready to share their talents with you. We offer private music lessons for piano, violin, drums, flute, voice and more. Students of all age groups can receive the full learning experience, and group music lessons of all instruments for those who want to experience a taste of how to play the instrument. The school is designed to guide students in developing performance skills in music, and to also understand the background of the music they learn…who wrote the music, what is the music trying to convey, why is the music written in this style, and how it should be interpreted musically through the instrument. Through this, students will be more intellectually and emotionally connected to the music. The music school also offers music examinations, composition, jazz, and other forms of music education to help students prepare for a potential music career.

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