4707 Cheshire Road, Norwalk, Connecticut, 06851, United States
Phone: 203.345.3387
About At Home STD Test
Established 2008
https://sites.google.com/site/bestathomestdtest/home/drug-store-std-test-std-test-in-stores - Over The Counter STD Test Kits at CVS, are they reliable? Find FDA Approved std test kits online without leaving home. At home std test kits for HIV, Chlamydia, Herpes, Hepatitis.
If you're in a hurry, check out below what we think are the best two options available for fast and private STD testing.
A Store Bought STD Test for at home std testing can be a good option for a private std testing.
We will also go over some of the other options that are available in addition to a drug store std test. When looking for an STD testing solution, many people may consider a store-bought STD test kit to be a good option. Even the best at home std test kits are not likely to be as accurate as visiting your doctor or going to an STD clinic.
One of the most important things to look for if you are going to buy an std test kit at CVS, Walmart, Walgreens, or Rite Aid is to make sure that the test kit that you buy is FDA approved. You may be looking for an at home chlamydia test but, if you think you may have been exposed to an STD, there is a chance you could have been exposed to any number of the most common STDs. So if you are concerned enough to buy an over the counter std test kit, then it is a good idea to test for all the most common STDs. You will know for sure that you are STD free. For this reason, it is hard to fully recommend any of the STD test kits sold in stores, because most places will not have all the tests that you want.
Another barrier for many people when going into a store is the embarrassment factor. It can be uncomfortable going into a place like CVS and trying to find the test kit you are looking for and having to ask someone who works there where it is located if you don't see them right out in the open. Most of the time they keep the STD test kits behind the counter and not out in the main aisles of the store. All in all the cheapest option is not always the safest, and most discreet.
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