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Best Price Evaluations

8023 Pioneer Blvd, Whittier, California, 90606, United States

Best Price Evaluations
About Best Price Evaluations

Established January 2014

Medical marijauna evaluations 100% privacy & confidentiality guaranteed HIPPA compliant, serving all California patients 18 years or older.Cash and Dash Pot Prescription Service is about the best I can come up with. This is an example of an industry which exists entirely as a result of legislation, similar to the Smog Check industry. In both cases no consumer demand would exist for the services offered if it weren't for the State mandating their patronage. However, due in large part to the stigma attached to those who come into contact with such businesses (particularly with respect to reluctance to seek assistance from law enforcement) this industry operates as is it were in the old Wild West. Customer service is nearly non-existent and practices like Bait-and-Switch are pursued with zeal.
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