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COVID-19 Dr. Sprinkler Repair Press Release

By Dr. Sprinkler Repair (Colorado Springs, CO)

COVID-19 Dr. Sprinkler Repair Press Release



Dr. Sprinkler Repair (Colorado Springs, CO) and COVID-19

(El Paso County, CO) — Per the instructions of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization, Dr. Sprinkler Repair (Colorado Springs, CO) acknowledges the adverse conditions that COVID-19 has had across the world. We remain vigilant and aware of our own impact in slowing the spread of the CoronaVirus.

With the nature of our work, we are still here to serve you. Practicing social distancing and exceptional sanitation, we are still in business and are taking the necessary precautions to service all your lawn and sprinkler needs. Our sprinkler technicians are going the extra mile to ensure your overall safety by using quality parts and quality service that is cleaned ahead of time.

Call us today at (719) 357-6682, or go online for more information.
We're still here to give you best sprinkler installation, sprinkler repair, and quality service you expect from us.

Dr. Sprinkler Repair is part of the Sprinkler Master Repair franchise with years of experience, serving various locations around the United States. We put the customer first in quality and service, as we install the best and repair the rest.

About This Author

Dr. Sprinkler Repair (Colorado Springs, CO)

Dr. Sprinkler Repair (Colorado Springs, CO)

At Dr. Sprinkler Repair (Colorado Springs, CO), we know the old adage of “work smarter, not harder” is true, but we still do both if it means making your lawn look good. We are here year-round to serve our most important customer — you. The needs you have are what we focus on, and at the end o…

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