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First Step Chiropractic

3538 Lakeview Pkwy #100, Rowlett, Texas, 75088, United States

Phone: 972-412-4442

Email First Step Chiropractic

About First Step Chiropractic

Established January 2010

Trusted Chiropractor serving the Rowlett Area. Take your first step to health! 972-412-4442

Dr. James Fowler and his wife, Dr. Barb, opened First Step Chiropractic in October of 2005 with the mission of providing an exceptional chiropractic experience to as many people as possible! Since that time Dr. Fowler has helped almost 12,000 patients live a happier, healthier life without drugs or surgery.Dr. Fowler takes first-class care of each and every patient and the staff bends over backward to ensure each and every patient is their number one priority. Dr. Fowler does a thorough health history, chiropractic examination, precise, structural X-rays, and a personalized report of findings to determine EXACTLY what is going on and whether it is a chiropractic issue.From there, if Dr. Fowler accepts your case he lays out a comprehensive plan to work WITH you and help each patient achieve maximum results and reach their full health potential.

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