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Fulgencio Law, PLLC

105 S. Edison Avenue, Tampa, Florida, 33606, United States

Phone: 813.463.0123

Fax: 813.670.1288

Email Fulgencio Law, PLLC

About Fulgencio Law, PLLC

Established January 2023

Fulgencio Law is a Tampa, Florida based law firm. It is not a large law firm. We are adequately staffed to handle complex problems, but we remain small enough to ensure the delivery of personal service. We work with nationally and internationally qualified experts in various fields, and our resources allow us to leave no stone unturned in the pursuit of justice for our clients. We are proud to offer aggressive representation, strong negotiation skills, careful legal drafting, and varied experience whether the goal is to settle your claim for a fair amount, to fight at trial or during an appeal, or to negotiate on your behalf. We remain in contact with you throughout your process so that you, the client, can stay informed about the progress and status of your case and we are always available to discuss questions and concerns about the case. Whether a matter takes us to the accident scene, the negotiating table, or the courtroom, we recognize that not all clients have the same goals. Throughout the representation, achieving our clients’ goals is our singular focus.

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