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Glass Table Tops New York

199 Avenue T, Brooklyn, New York, 11223, United States

Glass Table Tops New York
About Glass Table Tops New York

Established January 2013

Need a glass table top? You've come to the right place. Here at custom cut glass from Brooklyn NY, we have the capability to custom cut, bevel, polish and temper your glass at our manufacturing plant . This ensures a perfectly customized fit, gives you the opportunity to choose the glass type you want, and gets it delivered to you in record time for your home and office needs. Whether it's for a glass table top replacement, glass table top cover or a table design of your own, the steps for customizing your glass table top are the same. Our glass table tops are custom manufactured, which means that all pieces can be to your specification. We can create very smooth tops or use very aggressive designs that protrude upward out of the glass. we have the capability to custom cut, bevel, polish and temper your glass. This ensures a perfectly customized fit, gives you the opportunity to choose the glass type you want, and gets it delivered to you in record time for your home and office needs. If you need a unique looking glass table tops, then we are the right choice for you. Now a days glass table tops are used in everywhere. Glass tables not only nice looking but also durable too. Nature of a non-porous surface make for a beautiful and practical surfacing material. #beveled glass #custom cut glass brooklyn #custom cut glass manhattan #featured glass table tops nyc #polished glass

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