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HighPointe Estate

5555 Co Rd 258, , Liberty Hill, Texas, 78642, United States

Phone: 512-636-9200

Email HighPointe Estate

About HighPointe Estate

Established January 2024

HighPointe Estate’s story began when our son and daughter-in-law were married. With the help of family and friends, we designed the flowers for the wedding and they were a hit! Soon, we were designing flowers for weddings all across Central Texas.

It was during this season that we witnessed the challenges couples face. Things like inadequate space, and poor “Plan B” options during bad weather. We set out to provide a solution for couples and to pursue full-time this work we have become so passionate about. The truth is, we absolutely love weddings and events. And we can’t wait to help you with yours.

Every element of HighPointe Estate is designed with couples and event logistics in mind. We’re proud to share our dream with you and we eagerly anticipate all the wonderful moments that will be shared here.

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