15231 N 20th St, Phoenix, Arizona, 85022, United States
About Integrative Counseling Services, Inc.
Established January 2004
Serine Graham, MC, LPC, LISAC, SEP of Integrative Counseling Services provides therapy and counseling services which will help you to achieve emotional balance, resolution of conflict and improved relationships with self and others. She works with various approaches to help you to see your situation from a new perspective. As you begin to realize new possible solutions you are able to find new resources to effect change and to move in a positive and productive direction to improve your life. Serine offers a broad spectrum of therapies to meet your particular needs, depending on the level of distress or difficulty you are experiencing A trained professional, Serine seeks to assist you to gain a new understanding of yourself through a process of relieving emotional distress, identifying self-defeating patterns of thought and behavior and finding solutions that fit your life.
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‣ addiction counselling ‣ Anxiety ‣ Counseling ‣ couples counselor ‣ Depression ‣ General ‣ Mental Health ‣ Psychologists ‣ Psychotherapy ‣ Stress Management
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