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Junk Car Cash Out

1636 Pioneer Rd #11, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84104, United States

Phone: 801-441-2766

Email Junk Car Cash Out

About Junk Car Cash Out

Established January 2000

We pay cash for junk cars and clunkers! Cold hard CASH! No matter where you live in the United States, we can come to your home and give you CASH in hand for your unwanted car or truck. Just fill out the form or call one of our friendly phone representatives and we can tell you quickly how much your vehicle is worth.

When we say we pay cash for clunkers in Utah, we mean we pay cash for ANY car. Many people believe that their car needs to be thirty years old to be eligible for our program but this is not the case. Maybe your vehicle was involved in an accident and it is not worth investing the money to fix it. Perhaps you are just unable to figure out what has been ailing your car and you just want it gone. Whatever the case may be, we pay cash for cars and trucks as old as 1945 and as new as 2013. The price will vary depending on what your vehicle is worth. For a vehicle that is newer or more collectible, you can expect to get more money. In short, your vehicle will qualify for our cash for junk cars program no matter what you are selling; we buy ANY car or truck and we will prove it. We pay top dollar for cars that are no longer worth repairing or those vehicles that you just can’t sell. Fill out the form or pick up the phone and see what Junk Car Cash Out can do for you by calling 801-441-2766.

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