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Paez Chiro Care

326 Encinitas Blvd , Suite 100, Encinitas, California, 92024, United States

Phone: (760) 632-1134

Email Paez Chiro Care

About Paez Chiro Care

Established April 2000

Paez Chiropractic provides diversified techniques to treat chronic pain, headaches, disc disorders, sports and auto accident injuries. We help newborns, infants, teenagers, adults and seniors.

Dr. Paul Paez, D.C., is recognized in the San Diego County Community, as well as nationally, as a leading authority amongst chiropractic doctors in natural, gentle and profoundly effective chiropractic care. Dr. Paez’s clinic is a holistic, all natural, drug-free chiropractic wellness center that helps to save people from the devastating and often permanent effects of medication and surgery.

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