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SoCal Digital Marketing

23456 Madero, Suite #200, Mission Viejo, California, 92691, United States

Phone: 949-309-8845

Email SoCal Digital Marketing

About SoCal Digital Marketing

Established January 2014

Located in beautiful Orange County, California SoCal Digital Marketing provides quality website design and internet marketing services such as SEO, Pay Per Click campaigns, press releases and video marketing.
An SEO company optimizes the On-page Meta data on your website which tells search engines what each individual page is about and a short summary of the content. Another search engine optimization factor is to make sure the sites architecture is not obsolete or has deprecated code that makes your website load slower. Some of the other main SEO factors for On-page optimization are creating a sitemap and properly interlinking your site to make it easier for search engines and users to find pages. Then the Off-page factors include keyword research, competitor research, linkbuilding, Analytics & Webmaster tools installation, as well as claiming and listing your Google Places page.
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