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700 Louisiana St suite 3950, Houston, Texas 77002, United States, Texas, Louisiana, 77002, United States

Phone: 800.224.8308

Email TargetNXT

About TargetNXT

Established December 2011

TargetNXT is a team of data enthusiasts that take pride in curating one of the best prospect databases for growing businesses. We incubate databases that take marketing campaigns to the next level. Our data solutions are trusted by various businesses running across the globe. We can provide data of your prospects from any part of the world. We cover the EMEA, AMER, APAC regions.

Be it generating qualified leads or increase your brand awareness overseas, our data solutions are designed to help your business grow in myriad ways. To mention a few, our expertise include the following.

Email appending services:

Email appending is the process of eliminating old and obsolete data elements from your email list and appending fresh email addresses of your prospects. For businesses that rely on email marketing for lead generation, regular email appending is highly recommended. As your prospects keep changing their companies and job roles it is necessary to keep up with the changes.

Data appending services:

Similar to email appending, data appending where the appending process is not limited to emails but to the whole database. That include appending phone numbers, residential address, office address, fax numbers, social media accounts, and much more. Get your data appended today to keep your database healthy.

Data enrichment services:

One of the major challenges marketers face while dealing with email lists is data decay. Over the time your accumulated data becomes old and falls out of work. With our data enrichment services you can keep your data fresh and segment your data based on psychography, technography, demography.

Data validation services:

Are you sure that all the data present in your database validated thoroughly? If not, we can help you with that. Our experienced data analysts can help you validate your data. We have dedicated in-house team that handles data verification and validation. Who work around the clock to validate data of top businesses.

Direct dials:

Tired of going through switchboards and middle men? We might have the perfect solution for you - TargetNXT’s Direct Dials. With our authentic phone numbers you can connect directly with top decision makers that have the authority to take purchase decision. Why experience the hassle of going through middle men and assistants when you can connect directly with decision makers.

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