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 United States Business Directory
Varicose Vein Surgeon

serving, Brooklyn, New York, 11220, United States

Phone: 646-517-3900

Email - Not Available

About Varicose Vein Surgeon

Established January 2023

Whether you think your heart issues are stress-induced or believe that there are underlying physical problems at Varicose Vein Surgeon , we will find a solution for you by performing all the relevant tests and giving you results and treatments.Whether you are just worried about your heart and want a consultation or wish to get a second opinion on your treatment options, Varicose Vein Surgeon is always happy to help.Varicose Vein Surgeon offers the best possible expertise and care in all aspects of cardiology. With a combination of clinical excellence and a warm, friendly attitude, we offer consultation, reassurance, and treatment – whether you have symptoms such as chest pain, breathlessness or high blood pressure, or more complex medical needs. We always make sure that our patients are involved in every step of the decision-making process. We avoid invasive tests and treatments when other options are available. We have access to state of the art advanced cardiac imaging.Occupying a fully renovated building, Varicose Vein Surgeon is outfitted with state-of-the-art medical equipment that includes a 20-bed dialysis suite, a 10-bed infusion suite, procedure rooms, and an outpatient surgical unit. Through a beautiful common area, exercise rooms, and a salon, our fantastic facility fosters an attractive and comfortable environment for community members, including senior citizens and diabetic patients.

We are based within a Multi-Specialty Medical Facility in Brooklyn. By pooling our cardiology expertise within one practice, as part of a larger site and a network of trusted colleagues, we can give our patients the highest medical care standards and a holistic team approach for both diagnosis and treatment.

Call us at (646) 517-3900.

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Hours of Operation
  • Sunday
  • 12:00 am - 12:00 am
  • Monday
  • 12:00 am - 12:00 am
  • Tuesday
  • 12:00 am - 12:00 am
  • Wednesday
  • 12:00 pm - 12:00 am
  • Thursday
  • 12:00 am - 12:00 am
  • Friday
  • 12:00 am - 12:00 am
  • Saturday
  • 12:00 am - 12:00 am
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