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Xpress Care Clinic

1409 S.Fern St., Arlington, Virginia, 22202, United States

Phone: 571 302 4811

Email Xpress Care Clinic

About Xpress Care Clinic

Established January 2007

XPRESS CLINIC can provide treatment for medical conditions which are urgent in nature but not life threatening. The majority of urgent conditions are health issues that cannot wait for the patient to visit their primary care physician.

Below are the most common conditions for our physician who will treat in our urgent care setting.

Colds, Cough, Sinuses, Flu
Sore Throat, Fever, Fatigue
Back Pain, Neck Pain, Arthritis
Headache, Migraine Pain, Dizziness
Minor Injuries: Cuts, Bruises, Insect bites
Sprains, Strains, Burns, Breaks, Falls
Ear Infection, Ear wax removal
Bladder, Prostate, Genital Infections, STI
Upset stomach, heartburn, stomach ulcer
Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Constipation
Cold Sores, Sore Rectum, Hemorrhoids, Lyme disease
Pink eye, Minor eye injuries
Broken bones, Rashes, Skin Infections
Physical exams for school, sports, work, surgery
Asthma, Allergies, Breathing Treatments
TB test, STI Tests, Any blood test or stool test

Conditions we do not treat:
We recommend that you go to Emergency Room or call 911 if you think you are experiencing life threatening conditions, such as the following:

Severe Burn
Fracture with visible bone
Severe Shortness of Breath
Chest Pain
Loss of Consciousness

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