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25 Wheeler Ave Suite - Arcadia CA 91006, 25 Wheeler Ave Suite - Arcadia CA 91006, 25 Wheeler Ave Suite - Arcadia CA 91006, Arcadia, California, 91006, United States

Phone: 866.748.4737

Email itiresonline

About itiresonline

Established September 1954

We began over a decade ago with a warehouse in California. Since then we have grown, however customer service is still our top priority. Our mission was to give our customers the best quality care and products, on the internet, this is still our goal, we value every single customer that comes to our site, revolutionizing the way people purchase tires online. Today, ITDW is one of the most rapid growing tire and wheel distributors in California. More importantly, we offer the individual customer service and caring personal touch you’d expect from a neighborhood store. We maintain commitments to mutual respect and satisfaction for all, through general care and our desire to grow, you will not be let down.Our service is unmatched and our customer care is at another level. We take great pride in building trust with our customers, giving each of you the quality care you desire. We have met our ongoing goal of 100% customer satisfaction since 2007. We have since then fallen in love with tires and we feel that we offer it best, with the lowest prices, and the greatest customer service on this market. Not only that but our wide variety of tires and wheels is unparalleled. Our family owned roots have never failed us and we will never fail you.

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