Brian Leaf

Brian Leaf

E-Learning Providers

I help students score higher test scores in their SAT/ACT exams through personalized exam prep & guidance.

About us

Personalized SAT/ACT Prep from Brian Leaf. When it Comes to Exam Prep, Experience Counts. Other exam prep companies typically pair you with a teacher with minimal exam and work experience. Brian has spent the last 30 years studying & analyzing the SAT Exams and knows how to help you maximize your score. Three Decades of Exam Prep Experience Distilled Into a Prep System That Delivers. The right exam prep can help raise your test score so that you have the best chance of getting into your first-choice college, or qualify you for the best financial aid package. With Brian, nothing is left to chance. A surefire system of methodical preparation that's been proven every year to work by hundreds of students just like you.

E-Learning Providers
Company size
1 employee
Northampton, Massachusetts
test preparation, admissions advising, personal tutoring, online test prep, score improvememtn, admissions tests, academic skill development, exam instruction, academic tutoring, e-learning, SAT Prep, and ACT Prep



  • Conquering the #satexam is like scaling the highest peak. It can seem overwhelming, even impossible at first, but with the right guide, the ascent becomes achievable. Our personalized #sattutoring is that guide, helping students navigate the treacherous slopes of complex equations and critical reading, step by step, skill by skill. Embark on your educational expedition with us today. Let's conquer the SAT mountain together, and let the view from the top be your well-earned high score. . . . . #satprep #SATtest #SATtutor

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