Digitalent - AI & Machine Learning Recruitment

Digitalent - AI & Machine Learning Recruitment

Staffing and Recruiting

Manchester, England 2,893 followers

AI & Machine Learning Recruitment Agency operating in the USA , UK and Australian markets.

About us

Digitalent are specialists in AI and Machine Learning talent solutions, hiring AI & ML roles at all levels of seniority. We act as trusted advisors to innovative companies who are searching for the very best talent in the market, and we manage the careers of our candidates with great care and attention to detail. We are a small company with a global presence who constantly punch above our weight. We are highly flexible and able to adapt our approach to suit each individual customer. If you are building or growing your company’s AI team, we are the perfect recruiting partner for you! We anticipate your needs and work proactively. We constantly source and curate our candidate networks. Making sure our network includes the very best talent so that we have the right people, at the right time anywhere in the USA, UK or Australia. Our 4 core services: Permanent (Full-Time Employees): From junior employees to senior management, our comprehensive permanent recruitment service enables you to unearth outstanding AI and Machine learning talent as well as ensuring they add to the culture of your business long term. Contract (Contract Workers): Don’t let the absence of personnel affect your ability to deliver projects on time and within budget. We can supply the perfect contractor quickly that will deliver the instant value you need. Executive Search (Leadership Hires): Our Executive Search team has an expansive network of senior executive leaders across the globe. We regularly help large corporations as well as ambitious startups to fill their executive leadership roles. Synergy (Video Interview Service): Love hiring new people but hate 1st stage interviews? With our Synergy service, we take over the 1st stage of your interview process, we supply the interview questions AND we can conduct technical interviews as the interviewers. We record the interview with the candidate and send you the video interview recording along with their resume.

Staffing and Recruiting
Company size
2-10 employees
Manchester, England
Privately Held
AI, Machine Learning, Permanent Recruitment, Contract Recruitment, Executive Search, Synergy (Video Interview Recording), Global Payroll, Chief AI Officer, AI Director, Machine Learning Director, Machine Learning Engineer, Data Scientist AI, Data Engineer AI, AI Product Manager, AI Ethics Officer, Computer Vision Engineers, NLP Engineers, Software Engineers, AI Researchers, and Product Designers (UX/UI)


Employees at Digitalent - AI & Machine Learning Recruitment


  • Want to find out about the most interesting things in AI Recruitment? Make sure you're following our Managing Director and Founder, Chris Morrow for his new series! Check it out below 👇

    View profile for Chris Morrow, graphic

    🤖 AI For Good | Talent Leader & Advisor | Recruitment Entrepreneur | Connecting AI & ML Talent with amazing companies across 🇺🇸 🇬🇧 🇦🇺 | Founder & Managing Director of Digitalent | Rosie, Darcy & Millie's Daddy

    The most interesting thing in AI Recruitment: The Finance Industry Struggles to Compete as Tech Giants Dominate AI Jobs Market 💰 💰 In the highly competitive AI jobs market in 🇺🇸, top salaries are being commanded by talent at generative AI firms such as OpenAI and Anthropic. OpenAI's ceiling hits a staggering $650k for certain roles, while Anthropic offers average salaries of $337k. Even though these figures reflect high base pay, total compensation, including bonuses and stock options, often significantly boosts the earnings above and beyond these figures! 🤯 While tech giants like NVIDIA and emerging companies in the autonomous vehicle sector, like Cruise, also offer lucrative salaries, finance lags behind. Hedge funds such as Balyasny and Two Sigma offer attractive salaries around $275k, but these are exceptions rather than the norm. Major banks like JPMorgan offer AI roles with salaries nearing $188k, but these often come with demanding expectations (like working 5 days a week in the office - remember that?) and regulatory challenges. The disparity in AI salaries across sectors is stark, highlighting the intense competition for top talent. Financial services are finding it hard to attract AI experts, who prefer tech companies offering both higher pay and more exciting opportunities. This gap indicates a significant challenge for the finance sector to stay competitive in the AI talent market. Thanks for everything and see you are work! ❤️ Chris Digitalent - AI & Machine Learning Recruitment

  • How To Build An AI Team From Scratch [Video 8 of 8] In this video, you will hear about fostering a collaborative culture within your AI team. Find out why encouraging collaboration across departments and setting up innovation labs are crucial for innovation and understanding business challenges. What strategies do you use to foster collaboration? Thanks for following this series! Until next time! ❤️

  • How To Build An AI Team From Scratch [Video 7 of 8] In this video, you will hear about implementing ongoing training and development for your AI team. Learn about the importance of upskilling programs and encouraging attendance at AI and tech conferences to keep the team ahead of industry trends. How do you keep your team updated? Stay tuned and follow for more on AI team development! Appreciate you watching! ❤️ #AI #digitalent

  • How To Build An AI Team From Scratch [Video 6 of 8] In this video, you will hear about the benefits of strengthening your AI team with external consultants and academic partnerships. Discover how these relationships can provide specialised expertise and access to the latest AI research and talent. What has been your experience with external collaboration? Follow for more insights on enhancing your AI team! See you in the next video! ❤️

  • How To Build An AI Team From Scratch [Video 5 of 8] In this video, you will hear about expanding your AI team with specialised skills like domain-specific AI experts and AI operations specialists. Learn why these roles are essential for enhancing capabilities and managing AI systems operationally as projects scale. What specialised skills do you find most valuable? Keep following for more on scaling AI teams! Thanks for joining! ❤️ #AI #digitalent

  • How To Build An AI Team From Scratch [Video 4 of 8] In this video, you will hear about building supporting roles within an AI team, including AI Product Managers and AI Researchers. Find out how these roles bridge the gap between AI technical teams and business units, ensuring that AI products meet both business needs and user expectations. Have you experienced the impact of these roles? Don’t forget to follow for more AI insights! See you soon! 💜 #AI #digitalent

  • How To Build An AI Team From Scratch [Video 3 of 8] In this video, you will hear about the importance of appointing an AI Ethics Officer. Learn about the responsibilities involved in ensuring that AI solutions are developed and deployed responsibly, adhering to ethical guidelines and regulations. How do you implement ethics in AI at your organisation? Follow us or Chris Morrow for more on building responsible AI teams! Catch you in the next video! 💜

  • How To Build An AI Team From Scratch [Video 2 of 8] In this video, you will hear about recruiting key technical roles necessary for a successful AI team, including Machine Learning Engineers, Data Scientists, and Data Engineers. Discover why these roles form the backbone of any AI project and how their early involvement ensures a strong technical foundation. What are your thoughts on these crucial roles? Stay tuned and follow for more tips on assembling an AI team! Thanks for watching! 💜 #AI #digitalent

  • How To Build An AI Team From Scratch [Video 1 of 8] In this video, you will hear about the crucial first step in building an AI team: hiring a Chief AI Officer or AI Director. Learn how this leader will not only define the AI strategy and oversee the team but also ensure AI initiatives align with the company's overall business goals. Their role in setting the vision and communicating AI's value across the company is pivotal. Tune in to understand what skills and experiences are critical for this leadership position! What insights can you share about leadership in AI? Follow Chris Morrow and Digitalent - AI & Machine Learning Recruitment for more insights on building effective AI teams! See you next time! ❤️ #AI #digitalent

  • Hiring AI and Machine Learning Talent: A Tough Nut to Crack? As businesses move to unlock the potential of AI and Machine Learning, one significant challenge looms large: finding the right talent. Here are a few of the obstacles companies can face: Talent Shortage: The demand for AI/ML professionals is skyrocketing, but the pool of qualified candidates is small. Companies are struggling to find the expertise they need. Fierce Competition: The race for top AI/ML talent is intense, with big corporations often having the upper hand. Smaller businesses must get creative to attract that top talent. High Salaries: AI/ML engineers command premium salaries, which can put a strain on budgets and make it challenging to meet salary expectations. Recruiter Knowledge Gap: Many recruiters lack a deep understanding of AI/ML technologies and the specific skills required, making it tough to identify and evaluate qualified candidates effectively. Data Challenges: Implementing AI/ML solutions requires access to large, high-quality datasets and robust data security measures, which is no easy task. Cultural Resistance: Some companies may encounter internal skepticism towards adopting AI/ML technologies, making it harder to secure buy-in and resources for hiring. Despite these hurdles, attracting and retaining top AI/ML talent is crucial for staying competitive. Partnering with specialised recruitment agencies, exploring international talent pools, investing in employee training programs, and fostering a culture that embraces innovation are some strategies that can help overcome these challenges. We’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences, have you faced any of these issues? Let us know below! 👇 #AI #MachineLearning #Hiring

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