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121 Years of Doing GOOD for Children

Since our founding in 1902, we've created a legacy built on creating safety, security, hope and opportunities for children and families.

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Where our Good Goes

National Foster Care Month | Celebrating Joanne

As we celebrate National Foster Care Month, we shine a light on the incredible journey of Joanne, a dedicated foster […]

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Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness month – a time to increase awareness about the vital role mental health plays in […]

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National Foster Care Month | Heartwarming Memories from Foster Parents

We invited foster parents to share some of their most cherished memories, and their heartfelt responses are truly inspiring. As […]

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We believe in a world where children realize their full potential. We believe in turning odds into opportunities. And we would be honored to partner with you and your family.

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You can empower children to realize their full potential. Children and families depend on us – and you. When you become part of the CHS family, you can build bridges to success for children in so many ways.

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