CSS helps schools become places where students want to be.

At Center for Supportive Schools, we leverage resources in schools to create equity-centered, caring, and vibrant learning communities that foster students’ overall success and well-being and that deeply engage students, staff, and families.

Schools deserve supportive partners who can help:

  • Address the critical transitions into middle and high school, especially for highly vulnerable youth

  • Leverage the power of student leadership and peer mentoring to help students navigate the stresses of middle and high school

  • Develop supportive school cultures to foster the social, emotional, physical, and mental health of students 

  • Deeply support and engage faculty and staff 

  • Equip schools to leverage internal, existing resources for long-term, sustainable impact

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CSS partners with schools
in three ways

A few students participating in a Peer Group Connection event


through evidence-based peer leadership and mentoring programs.

Highschool faculty and staff participate in a customized professional development workshop led by Center for Supportive Schools

Supporting School
Faculty & Staff

through transformative, innovative, and interactive professional development.

Students stand in a circle with their hands in preparing to cheer

Supporting Entire School Communities

through data-informed, relationship-driven, and equity-centered whole school initiatives.

See Our Work
in Action

Hear directly from some of the incredible students and educators at CSS partner schools. This video will provide an overview of our work, including Peer Group Connection, teacher professional development, and community schools.

Video compilation of interviews with NYC school students, teachers, and leadership about the positive impact of working with the Center for Supportive Schools.

Two students preparing for Teen PEP
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How it works

1. Schedule an Exploratory Call 

Meet with one of our program experts to explore together how we can partner to best serve your school community. 

2. Prepare for Implementation

Your dedicated CSS program manager will expertly guide you through every step of program implementation. 

3. Focus on Your Community

With the support of CSS's facilitation and technical assistance team, your program will be launched and managed and you'll be able to focus your passion--the growth and well-being of your school community's students, families, and faculty. 

4. Ensure long-term sustainability

CSS models are fully integrated into the fabric of the school day and become institutionalized and lasting components of the school experience.

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Our Impact

Through rigorous evaluations by research organizations, universities, and independent evaluators, results show CSS solutions consistently improve students’ academic, social, and emotional skills, including:

a student in a graduation cap

Increased high school graduation rates

an open book

Improved academic achievement, attendance, and school behavior

a group talking to each other

Improved social and emotional skills

A group working together

Increased school and peer connectedness

a plant sprouting representing positive growth

Avoidance of high-risk behaviors

A student thinking

Positive changes in decision-making

Teachers working 1 on 1 with the Center for Supportive School Coaches
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45 years of
supporting schools

We are driven by the vision that one day, all children will thrive in schools that graduate them prepared for the rigors of college and lives filled with meaningful work, active citizenship, and personal fulfillment.

Founded in 1979, CSS has a successful track record, spanning over four decades, of changing life trajectories for students and effecting cultural transformations within schools.

Nationally, CSS is one of a very few organizations with a focus on social and emotional learning that can demonstrate significant academic impact on students, educators, and schools.


 Learn more about how to partner with us

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