516 633 4519

Computer Surgeon, established in 1984, as the name implies, had its origin as a computer service organization. Since the beginning, this company has grown from one technician to a team of certified specialists.
You can trust Computer Surgeon... Over 35 years of experience qualifies us as a true specialist in all areas of Computer care: SALES, SERVICE, CONSULTING, HARDWARE, SOFTWARE, NETWORKS.
Computer Surgeon has helped computers and their owners from all walks of life, including: corporations, schools, small business, credit unions, banks, and homes.
Computer Surgeon understands the nature of computer emergencies. That's why we offer 7 day/week service, plus a number of "operating" locations, financing and billing options.

Computer Surgeon Clinic? Yes... Even House Calls Fully insured (full service contract--Parts and Labor) All services payable as performed (Time and Materials) Assignment accepted (payment terms)

Our Story

Computer Surgeon Inc., established in 1984, as the name implies, had its origin as a computer service organization. Since the beginning, this company has grown from one technician to a team of certified specialists in Microsoft and Apple products.  The caring staff at Computer Surgeon believes in a higher quality of service. Whether you have a Fortune 500 company looking for someone to maintain a wide variety of networks or an individual with an old personal computer (or notebook), our staff will provide the highest level of service. 

Our staff has certifications from many of the major computer companies such as Microsoft, Apple/Macintosh, IBM, Samsung and HP. We are also extremely familiar with all name-brand computers such as Lenovo, Acer, Dell, Samsung, ASUS, and MSI. 

We’re the doctors that still make house calls. Whether you want carry in or a house call, we are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

Computer Surgeon is not just a computer sales operation. We will recommend the appropriate computer system for your applications and show you how to use it. Computer Surgeon will also arrange financing if needed. We also provide phone support after the sale at no additional charge!