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Welcome To GI Specialists of Georgia

Schedule your Screening Colonoscopy

GI Specialists Announces:

Our Vinings area office is now OPEN at 2550 Windy Hill Rd, Suite 307, Marietta, GA 30067.

Schedule Your Screening Colonoscopy

Providing Individualized Care

Patients choose GI Specialists of Georgia to receive high-quality treatment for their digestive disorders in a professional, supportive and educational environment.

Board-Certified Gastroenterologists Provide Treatment in Atlanta, GA

GI Specialists of Georgia Gastroenterologists

Colon (large intestine) health is an area of a person’s health too often ignored. Colon cancer is among the chief causes of cancer death in men and women every year. At least half of those deaths could be prevented with regular colon cancer screenings or colonoscopies. When you need to schedule a colonoscopy in the Douglasville or Atlanta area, it can be overwhelming knowing where to turn. Established in 2007, GI Specialists of Georgia is a leading gastroenterology practice with nine office locations and three endoscopy centers in Northwest Atlanta.

Our board-certified gastroenterologists diagnose and treat many gastroenterology diseases and disorders involving the digestive tract, intestines, liver, stomach, gallbladder, and pancreas. We specialize in a variety of treatments, including colonoscopies, fibroscans, ultrasounds, pathology lab services, and anesthesia for many general and advanced gastrointestinal procedures. Patients visit us for treatment of anything from acid reflux or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) to hemorrhoids, hepatitis C, pancreatitis, and other gastrointestinal infections.

Why Choose GI Specialists of Georgia for GI Procedures?

GI Specialists of Georgia Office in Atlanta, GA

Formed as the result of a merger between Digestive Care Associates and Northwest Gastroenterology Associates, GI Specialists of Georgia strives to be a top medical practice. Patients choose us for many reasons, including:

  • Individualized Treatment Plans – Our gastroenterologists create personalized treatment plans for every patient using evidence-based medicine and cutting-edge advances. Giving our patients access to online forms and bill pay are two of the ways we strive to make our patient care convenient.
  • Friendly, Collaborative Environment – Our on-staff gastroenterologists have many skillsets in sub-specialty areas of gastroenterology to provide the latest treatments and manage cases with a higher level of complexity. However, we also work in a friendly, collaborative environment to coordinate care with every patient’s primary care physician.
  • Patient Feedback Welcome – We monitor our services closely and utilize patient feedback via daily patient survey requests delivered through our patient portal. This allows us to update our processes to improve the patient experience.

How a Colonoscopy at Our Offices Could Save Your Life

Patients Check Up in Atlanta, GA

Colonoscopies check for many health issues, most notably colon tumors and polyps. Whether you have a family history of colon cancer or not, you should plan on getting a checkup if you’re over the age of 45. As with any other form of cancer, the earlier you’re diagnosed with colon cancer, the better your chances of beating it with treatment are. Are you wondering what colon cancer pain feels like and how you’d be able to tell if you had it? Symptoms of colon cancer will vary by patient but may include abdominal pains, blood in the stool, unexplained weight loss, weakness or fatigue, and changes in your bowel movements, such as frequent diarrhea or constipation. Many people with colon cancer won’t exhibit any symptoms during the early stages. You should measure colonoscopy costs in terms of the value of your health. If you need to schedule a colonoscopy in the Douglasville or Atlanta area, don’t delay. Schedule a screening with the gastroenterologists at GI Specialists of Georgia. Learn more about how early detection through a colon cancer screening could save your life.

Schedule an Appointment with Our Atlanta-Area Gastroenterologists

Whether you’re here for an endoscopic ultrasound or a colonoscopy, we will treat you with the utmost respect and dignity. Our gastroenterologists in the Douglasville and Northwest Atlanta area believe in the importance of educating our patients on a variety of health topics, ranging from anemia to gastrointestinal infections, cirrhosis of the liver, and pancreatitis. To schedule an appointment with one of our board-certified gastroenterologists, please contact GI Specialists of Georgia today.