Feel Like Yourself Again.

Neurofeedback and HBOT Therapy in Colorado Springs, CO.

You can schedule a no-obligation discovery session right here.

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Do you feel like hope is lost?

Each time you get up the courage to try to solve your continuing issues with anxiety and depression, instead of moving forward you stay static or even take a step back.

Talk therapy sounds great, but panic attacks and worry day and night do not go away or even subside.

You try to forget the past, but traumas you have experienced keep haunting you. Your world has become smaller and smaller as you try to avoid things that trigger you.

Is there hope for answers?

Your child is struggling. You have tried everything you know to do as a parent, but it does not seem to be enough. You are looking for answers – answers that would help you provide the support your child needs.

You find yourself struggling with memory and thinking problems ever since your concussion/traumatic brain injury years ago. You feel like things that used to come easily are really challenging now. You don’t know what to do to feel “normal” again.


Where did the hope go?

The days run into each other with no relief. Future hopes and plans have faded – absorbed within the persistent irritability and moodiness.
Hope has disappeared… hopelessness is affecting your relationships. At first there was an attempt to understand the quagmire in which you seemed to be stuck. But after months and years, perhaps, the patience of your partner is very thin. It’s more intolerance now.
What can you do? Feeling normal is all you want. You’ve tried medications, and they didn’t work, or left you feeling worse than before .
Let’s take a step together and try a holistic approach to your issues.

Our advanced neurofeedback assessment tools evaluate and treat psychological, cognitive, and physical symptoms.

We believe that addressing dysregulated brain wave activity holds the solution to many problems with which you may be struggling.

We start neurofeedback with an evaluation where we not only discuss your condition, but also use specialized brain wave testing equipment (called a QEEG) to better understand what you are experiencing.

During this detailed evaluation, we look for :

  • Physical symptoms like problems with sleep, low energy, or appetite changes
    • Emotional symptoms like sadness, anxiety, irritability, or mood swings.
  • Dysfunctional brain wave activity and connectivity
  • How your physical and emotional symptoms correlate with dysfunctional brain wave activity

We then partner with you to develop a personalized neurofeedback treatment plan.

Your treatment will include a powerful combination of neurofeedback and other neurotherapy treatments to help you feel better.

We do two types of neurofeedback, one is traditional neurofeedback which involves measuring brain wave activity in the moment and using visual and auditory feedback to train your brain function in a healthier way. The other involves introducing very slight electrical current to encourage your brain to mimic healthier brain wave activity.

All neurofeedback protocols are individually designed based on extensive assessment of your brain wave activity. Your protocol will be based on addressing the symptoms you find are most disturbing to you. People often find that any apprehension that they may have about neurofeedback treatment usually goes away after the first session.

You can schedule a no obligation discovery session to see how we can help.


 Get back to being You.

Neurofeedback not only address anxiety and depression; it can help to reduce symptoms associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder as well as concussion or traumatic brain injury.

If your symptoms are not dramatic that does not mean they are less important. Sleep deprivation, migraines, chronic pain, effects from chronic stress – these, too, can be addressed with neurofeedback.
Neurofeedback can also be used to sharpen your cognitive abilities such as thinking and focus.

Get Started and See How We Can Help.

We can help you find hope again.

At Neuro Hope, we offer several different services to help you start to feel like youself again.

Neurotherapy helps bring balance back to the brain so that people can feel more “normal” and enjoy things as they once did.

Neuropsychological testing helps people to better understand what their memory and thinking problems are. It helps parents whose children are struggling in school or who have difficult behaviors.

What if you could open a door that would give you renewed hope? To something that is lasting, something that makes it easier to move through life’s challenges that we all face.
Don’t give up.
Don’t suffer needlessly.

Renew Hope.


Welcome to Neuro Hope Psychotherapy & Neurofeedback

It takes courage to ask for help and to believe things can be different. We want to help you feel hopeful again.
Our practice supports people by looking at the whole person. Our treatments address physical, cognitive, and emotional symptoms.

We have a strong team at Neuro Hope. Our treatment team is invested in you and how to find the desired change you are longing for.

We listen to what you have to say so that we can understand the symptoms and problems troubling you the most.

We then collaborate with you so that we can move forward with a treatment plan you feel good about.

Our team specializes in working together to help you move to the life you only dreamed was possible.
To move from the impossible to the possible.
To help make your deepest wishes come true.

Schedule a No-Obligation Discovery Session

I’d like to encourage you to schedule some time with us for a free, in-person, no-obligation discovery session.
We will ask you some questions about you and your concerns to learn if an initial evaluation and our specialized neurofeedback treatment is right for you.
Please bring a family member if you feel their presence will help us better understand you and your needs.
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