The Texas (TX) White Pages Phone Book

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What can I find on Free White Pages?

White Pages are a provider of online directory service. They  have the largest database available of contact information on US residents . Anybody can search for contact information. They can also be used to find out who a number or address belongs to. This means you can use them to do a reverse name search.

How to use

This free white pages lookup site provides detailed search to find people’s address and phone number. It also provides useful detailed to lookup more public information in Texas. Check below a list of how you can put the site to work for you.

Find more helpful information on how to use free Texas White Pages to find someone.


About Texas

Texas is the second most populated state in the United States of America (about 29 million people) with 254 counties and major cities like Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin; you might be wondering, how you will be able to find someone in the state. About 74% of the Texas population has access to high-speed internet which shows that the state is internet savvy.

In the United States Census Bureau it has been determined that the resident population of Texas was 29,145,505 at the 2020 U.S census, a 15.9% increase since the 2010 United States census. During the 2020 census, the apportioned population of Texas stood at 29,183,290.In the 2015 Texas Population Estimate program estimated the population was 27,469,114 on July 1, 2015.In 2010, Texas had a census population of 25,145,561. The American Community Survey’s 2019 estimates, 1,739,000 residents were undocumented immigrants, a decrease of 103,000 since 2014 and increase of 142,000 since 2016. Of the undocumented immigrant population, 951,000 have resided in Texas from less than 5 up to 14 years. An estimated 788,000 lived in Texas from 15 to 19 and 20 years or more.

The Texas state had a gross state product (GSP) of $2.0 trillion, the second highest in the U.S. Its GSP is greater than the GDPs of Brazil, Canada, Russia, South Korea and Spain, which are the world’s 9th-, 10th-, 11th-, 12th- and 13th-largest economies, respectively. Texas ranks 22nd among U.S. states with a median household income of $64,034, while the poverty rate is 14.2%, making Texas the state with 14th highest poverty rate in the United States (compared to 13.15% nationally). It’s economy is the second-largest of any country subdivision globally, behind California.