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Journey Within: Cultivating Spiritual Smarts in Midlife.

Certified SELF-awareness coach | SELF-mastery coach | Rapid Resolution Therapy™ Facilitator | Creator of the Spiritually S.M.A.R.T.E.R.™ Path

Meet Josee

"On my journey of self-discovery, I embarked on a quest to find the missing piece of my life puzzle – self-love. As I delved into the depths of my being, I learned to embrace my flaws and celebrate my strengths. I realized that the "worth" I was feeling wasn't something I was born with but rather, taught. As I cultivated a deeper sense of self-acceptance, I reignited my heart's desires and let it guide me toward living my best life and finding inner peace.


Little did I know that this transformation would pave the way for a love story and a successful career beyond my wildest dreams."- Josee

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 Josee Madison website logo
 Josee Madison website logo  image
 Josee Madison website logo Love after forty Self-love Relationship coach
yoga aliance
-SallyAnn, Ph.D, CCC-SLP

"Josee challenges old ways of thinking and patterns of behavior while being compassionate at the same time." 

-SallyAnn, Ph.D, CCC-SLP

- Jeannie C.

"I cannot express enough how my Reiki treatments and personal coaching from Josee created such a great foundation for my success. I would not have wanted to do it without her guidance. You owe it to yourself to include her in your everyday journey. Thank you, Josee!"

- Jeannie C.

- Isabel D.

Josee pushed me in all the right ways. I took a deep inventory of myself and my priorities. Josee taught me that we create our own happiness. With her help, I saw clearly for the first time in years what I needed to do to create my best life experience.

- Isabel D.

Hypnosis Follow your heart Heart decoder

"When Your Mind and Your Heart Are Aligned, Everything Is Possible."

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