Revolutionizing Recruitment with AI

Reshaping the landscape of HR with our innovative AI-driven Applicant Tracking System (ATS). Designed for modern HR challenges, our platform automates and streamlines recruitment, ensuring you attract and retain top talent efficiently and effectively.


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Safaa ATS Fox 28
Safaa ATS US National Times
Global HR Reporter | Safaa ATS
The America Watch | Safaa ATS

AI-driven recruitment fosters efficient collaboration

Embrace a fully automated recruitment system that facilitates streamlined onboarding, and is backed by customizable workflows, and seamless integrations with HR automation solutions, to deliver an exceptional experience. 

Founder & CEO

With its cutting-edge features and seamless user experience, Safaa empowers organizations to navigate the hiring process with confidence and efficiency.

Usman Khalid


Cutting-edge features that make a difference

Branded Job Portal

The branded job portal is your window for all the perspective applicants. Show what's it like to be working at your organization.

AI-Powered Shortlisting

Experience the power of AI with our intelligent matching system that aligns perfectly with your job requirements.

End to End Tracking

Schedule Interviews, assignments and audit trails for a fair evaluation following your company's rules.

Advanced Workflows

Pre-built workflows to manage the relationship between Line Managers to HR Manager to Recruiter.

Our customers trust us. What they are saying?

client | Safaa ATS
Client 1 | Safaa ATS
Client 2 | Safaa ATS
Client 3 | Safaa ATS
Client 4 | Safaa ATS
Client 6 | Safaa ATS

35+ minutes per session

Pellentesque nec nam aliquam sem. Ultricies lacus sed turpis tincidunt id aliquet risus. Consequat nisl vel pretium lectus quam id. Velit scelerisque in dictum non of the ntconsectetur.

Alexa Loverty

Alexa Loverty

Product Designer
Alexa Loverty

35+ minutes per session

Pellentesque nec nam aliquam sem. Ultricies lacus sed turpis tincidunt id aliquet risus. Consequat nisl vel pretium lectus quam id. Velit scelerisque in dictum non of the ntconsectetur.

Maxine Butler

Maxine Butler

Maxine Butler

35+ minutes per session

Pellentesque nec nam aliquam sem. Ultricies lacus sed turpis tincidunt id aliquet risus. Consequat nisl vel pretium lectus quam id. Velit scelerisque in dictum non of the ntconsectetur.

Hugh Saturation

Hugh Saturation

UX Designer
Hugh Saturation

Turn-key hiring solution for competitive edge

Lets help you hire faster and better with Safaa ATS

Contact US | Safaa ATS

Our automated hiring process leads to success

one 1
Requisition to Posting

From requisition to live job posts on your corporate portal, built-in workflows engage all the stake holders for smooth way to ensure compliance and increase efficiency of the process.

two 1
Shortlisting and Rejections

Leverage advanced AI to efficiently shortlist candidates and automatically generate detailed rejection emails to unsuccessful applicants, all with a simple button click.

three 1
Interviews and Assignments

Coordinate and monitor candidate interviews within the system, facilitating compliance with company policies and streamlining the hiring process for recruiters

four 1
Negotiations and Offer Letter

Contact successful candidates and use the system’s advanced workflows for negotiation, offer acceptance, background checks, and integrate with your HR system for expedited onboarding.

Founder & CEO
Usman Khalid
Founder & CEO
Project Manager
Kiran Saleem
Project Manager
Project Manager
Asim Mehdi
Project Manager
Project Manager
Reine Thome
Project Manager
HR Manager
Sidra Arif
HR Manager
Creative Director
Parag Chemburkar
Creative Director
Marketing Team Lead
Mustafa Shah
Customer Success Lead
SEO Team Lead
Rabia Saeed
SEO Team Lead

Centric Clients


Can I communicate with candidates through the portal?

The portal offers built-in communication tools, allowing you to communicate directly with aspiring and hired candidates in real time.

Can I integrate Safaa ATS with other HR systems?

Yes, the portal seamlessly integrates with other HR systems - payroll and benefits management programs - to provide a seamless hiring and onboarding experience.

What sets Safaa apart from other recruitment software?

Safaa ATS is a cut above the rest with its integrated features, exceptional customizations, and integrations that make the hiring process flawless, ensuring an exceptional hiring experience.

Career | Safaa ATS

Entrust Your Growth to Professionals

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