Cedar Hill Fire Protection District

The Cedar Hill Fire Protection District is located in the North-Western portion of Jefferson County, Missouri.

Cedar Hill Fire Protection District 05
Cedar Hill Fire Protection District 16

Serving To Protect Our Families and Community

Welcome to the official Website of the Cedar Hill Fire Protection District. We're committed to serving and protecting our community through the highest quality of fire protection, prevention, education, and community outreach.

On this site you will find general information about the district. If you would like further information that can not be found on this site please contact our Office.

square mile district

Operating stations

people within the district

alarms responded per year

Protecting our community and your family.

District Cover Area

With approximately 16,000 people within the district, calls for service range in areas such as large wooded areas, farmlands, subdivisions, businesses, education facilities, commercial buildings, several lakes, and the Big River

Centrally Located

While responding to the calls within the district, Cedar Hill Fire Protection District provides mutual aid to all 16 fire departments within Jefferson County as well as some agencies in Franklin County and St. Louis County.


The District currently responds to around 1,450 alarms per year. 


At approximately 82-square miles the district operates out of 3 stations. Each station is staffed 24/7 . 

Cedar Hill Fire Protection District 06
Cedar Hill Fire Protection District 03
Cedar Hill Fire Protection District 17
Cedar Hill Fire Protection District 32
Cedar Hill Fire Protection District 07
Cedar Hill Fire Protection District 26
Cedar Hill Fire Protection District 28
Cedar Hill Fire Protection District 19
Cedar Hill Fire Protection District 15

What's Happening

We are out in the community and we want to connect with you. Join in the conversation and stay up to date on the latest public events, safety announcements, tips and more! 


Smoke Detector Program

Did you know we have a smoke detector program? Pictured are Lieutenant Michael Wittu & Engineer Dennis Polfer, these members...
administrative office 01

New Administrative Office Addition

We have been saving funds over the past few years to do some building updating. Currently, we are working towards...
Clinical Save Award 01

Clinical Save Award

Today, Zoll Medical Corporation recognized Cedar Hill Fire Captain Christopher Guse and Firefighter Ryan Jorcke, and Big River Duty Officer...

Cover for Cedar Hill Fire Protection District
Cedar Hill Fire Protection District

Cedar Hill Fire Protection District

Information from the Cedar Hill Fire Protection District.

The Cedar Hill Fire Protection District is pleased to announce the receipt of a $7,161 grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). This grant will be used to purchase 100 Residential Address Markers, which aim to enhance the visibility of residential addresses for first responders, thereby improving emergency response times and potentially saving lives.Program DetailsFunding and Equipment:Grant Amount: $7,161 from FEMA.Equipment: Each residential address marker consists of a 6" x 18" green sign with white reflective address numbers, attached to a green steel post.Purpose: The primary goal of this initiative is to clearly mark residential buildings that are difficult for first responders to locate. This includes:Residences with long driveways.Residences without a mailbox at the end of their individual driveway.Eligibility:To be eligible for this program, residents must:Live within the Cedar Hill Fire Protection District.Reside in an area where the residential street address is poorly marked.Application Process:Application Submission: District residents can fill out an application and return it to Station 1. Applications can be obtained in two ways:Picked up at Station 1.Requested by email at secretary@cedarhillfire.com.<img class="cff-linebreak" />Assessment: Upon receiving an application, firefighters will visit the residence to assess the driveway and determine if a sign would be beneficial for first responders.Approval: If the application is approved, the resident will be notified.Utility Marking: Approved residents must contact MO Dig Right at 811 to have the area where the sign post will be installed marked for utilities.Installation: After utility marking, the fire district will install the sign.Maintenance:The homeowner is responsible for maintaining the sign, which includes keeping weeds and brush clear from around the sign.Contact Information:For any questions or further information, residents can contact the Cedar Hill Fire Protection District staff at 636-285-3345.This program not only aims to improve safety for residents but also supports the efficiency and effectiveness of our dedicated first responders. We encourage eligible residents to participate and help us make our community safer for everyone. ... See MoreSee Less
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This poor puppers lost his humans. He's wet and scared after the storms but sweet as can be. He came to us at our station 2 at 8800 hwy 30 in dittmer for help.If you are or know his humans please reach out to us 636-285-3030He'll be hanging out with us. ... See MoreSee Less
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