Do you long for...
…a church that explores a progressive understanding of the Christian faith?
…a group of people who aim to know and extend care to one another?
… a community where LGBTQ+ persons are welcomed and affirmed?
…intersections of faith with environmental, economic and racial justice?
…a deepening spiritual journey, open to questions and affirmations of faith?


At St. Croix United Church, we engage in experiments and cherish traditions, finding life in both. Faith in a loving God supports our efforts to follow Jesus in loving our neighbors and ourselves. We worship, learn, play, and pursue justice together. We support one another through prayer, conversation, and collaborative efforts to follow the Spirit's leading toward deeper and broader welcome. Trusting that each person’s faith journey is unique, we wonder together about God’s active presence in and through our lives.

We invite you to join us for any upcoming event. You just may find what you’re looking for in our vibrant little congregation!

outdoor worship 2
Ediths Baptism

Sunday Worship:

(Click on the image to go to the live stream)

Weekly Sunday Worship Service

Worship | 9:30 am at People's Park
Optional nursery care (for infants & tots) | 9:15-10:30 am
Fellowship | 10:30 am

June 9th we will worship at the church building, then resume outdoor worship for the rest of the summer (weather permitting).

Parking and Building Access

General Parking: Our small lot sits next to our building. Side street parking is readily available.

Accessible Parking: Two ADA van accessible public parking spots on east side of 3rd Street (1 at our building's front entrance, 1 a block south at the VFW).

Building Access: A ramp leads from front sidewalk to the the front door. A lift/elevator in our entry area leads from main level (worship/meeting spaces) to lower level (Fellowship Hall).

News and Upcoming Events

Gentle Tai Chi

Begins June 2nd | 8:30 am
People's Park | 1003 5th Ave N, Bayport

Tai Chi'ers are welcome to stay for 9:30am worship at the park. Casual dress at worship is welcome.


Blood Drive

June 6 | 9 am - 3 pm
St. Croix United Church

Please call 1-800-RED CROSS or visit and enter “Bayport”
to schedule an appointment.


Community Gardens

Click here for more information and registration.

Weekly Greeting from Pastor Clare

(Click on the image to view the video)

Newly Merged!

A time of discernment in 2022-2023 culminated in faithfully merging in October 2023. We look forward to all we will do and be together!


Newly Designated!

"St. Croix United Church is an open and affirming Christian community, which is faithfully committed to ministries of compassion, diversity, equity, and social justice. United by the grace, love, and forgiveness we know in Jesus Christ, we honor the sacredness of relationships with our neighbors. We welcome persons of every gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, physical ability, mental health status, and socio-economic condition into the full life and ministry of the church. By embracing our diversity, we learn and grow into a stronger community."

For more information on the work of the Open and Affirming Coalition of the UCC, click here.

A Dually Affiliated Congregation



St. Croix United Church launched in October as a congregation dually affiliated with the UCC and NACCC. Predecessor St. Peter's United Church of Christ (UCC) has been a long-standing member of the MN Conference UCC. Predecessor People's Congregational Church has been a long-standing member of the National Association of Christian Congregational Churches (NACCC) and added an affiliation with the MN Conference UCC in May 2023.

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