Paddle Your Own Kanoo
Emirates Boss Says April Flooding Chaos Was Like ‘Being Under Attack’ and Admits the Airline Should Have Shut Down
One of the leading bosses of Emirates has described the floods that wreaked havoc across Dubai in April, stranding tens of thousands of the airline’s passengers, as like ‘being under attack’, admitting that the Persian Gulf carrier will have to be more ‘dynamic’ when dealing with extreme weather events in...
Live and Let’s Fly
American Airlines Is As Messy As It Gets Right Now
From labor issues to management pay, sales channels, and executives departing – American Airlines is a hot mess right now and I don’t see it getting better in the future.  If you are considering booking travel or signing up for a new credit card please click here. Both support If you...
The Bulkhead Seat
United Airlines Flight to Get Deep Cleaned After 25 Passengers Experience Nausea and Vomiting
United Airlines flight UA1528 from Vancouver International Airport (YVR) to Houston’s George Bush Intercontinental… The post United Airlines Flight to Get Deep Cleaned After 25 Passengers Experience Nausea and Vomiting appeared first on The Bulkhead Seat.
International Stories
Pontos pra Voar
Alerta de passagens PPV! 15 sugestões de passagens para Salvador a partir de 11 mil milhas Smiles
Neste artigo, apresentamos 15 sugestões de passagens Smiles para Salvador, com preços a partir de 11 mil milhas, mais taxas. Continue lendo para descobrir como garantir sua passagem e aproveitar tudo o que a capital da Bahia tem a oferecer! Passeando em Salvador Procurando uma oportunidade imperdível para viajar para...
Pontos pra Voar
Nova classe executiva dos Airbus A321XLR da Iberia que podem voar para o Brasil
Embora ainda não tenha sido anunciado oficialmente pela Iberia, recentemente apareceu uma foto no site da companhia aérea detalhando os novos Airbus 321XLR. Essas aeronaves se juntarão à frota a partir deste verão europeu, com características específicas já discutidas anteriormente. Classe Executiva do A321XLR da Iberia Os novos Airbus 321XLR...
Pontos pra Voar
Shell Box – Resgate R$ 10 em combustível com Vale Bônus
Mais um cuponzinho pra fazer render sua carteira Vale Bônus! Resgate agora R$ 0,25 de desconto por litro de combustível limitado a R$ 10 para qualquer meio de pagamento no Shell Box! Shell Box – Resgate R$ 10 em Combustível com Vale Bônus Como Participar Para participar da promoção, é...
Pontos pra Voar
Passagens GOL a partir de R$ 145 – Destinos nacionais com preços incríveis!
É passagem com aquele precinho que você está procurando? Então continue lendo este artigo! Aqui mostramos 18 sugestões de passagens nacionais GOL a partir de R$ 145 para você cruzar os céus do Brasil nos próximos meses. Atenção: Conforme publicamos aqui, a GOL está em recuperação judicial. Leve isso em consideração ao...
Jetzt die Miles & More Gold Kreditkarte mit 20.000 Meilen Willkommensbonus + 2 Lufthansa Lounge Voucher beantragen
Die Miles & More Kreditkarte gehört in Deutschland zu den beliebtesten Meilenkreditkarten und mit dem aktuellen Willkommensbonus wird… Weiterlesen Jetzt die Miles & More Gold Kreditkarte mit 20.000 Meilen Willkommensbonus + 2 Lufthansa Lounge Voucher beantragen by PointsMag.
You Have Been Upgraded
DEAL: Lufthansa / Swiss Business Dublin – USA (Return): 1.720 Euro
Mit Lufthansa oder Swiss von Dublin in die Staaten … Gute Preise für die Swiss oder Lufthansa Business…
You Have Been Upgraded
DEAL: Sichuan Business Rom – Down Under (Return): 2.500 Euro
Mit der Sichuan Business von Rom nach Down Under … Sichuan Airlines hat einen Business Sale von Rom…
So ist das neue Hilton Heidelberg und weitere Neuigkeiten dieser Woche
Damit du auch garantiert keine Neuigkeiten rund um Meilen, Punkte und Reisen verpasst, stellen wir jeden Sonntag eine… Weiterlesen So ist das neue Hilton Heidelberg und weitere Neuigkeiten dieser Woche by PointsMag.
Riku Miley
紹介リンク募集記事はコミュニティでしています。ぜひコミュニティに参加ください 紹介リンクの採用基準はこちらを参考にしてください。リンクを採用された方にのみメールでその趣旨を連絡差し上げます。 Amex Blue Business Plus 年会費:無料 普段のボーナス:なし 期間限定ボーナス:15,000 ポイント ミニマムスぺンド:最初の3か月で3,000ドル 陸の一言: 年会費無料でAmexポイントのMRポイントを貯めることができ、さらに提携エアラインにトランスファーもできます! そして買い物全てのカテゴリーで2%貯まるという何とも優秀なクレジットカード。私の財布にはいつもこのクレジットカードが入っています。ビジネスクレジットカードですが誰でも実に簡単に作れます! 年会費無料で2%貯まりトランスファーできるクレジットカードはこれだけなのでMRポイントを貯める人なら絶対持っているべきクレジットカードです。 普段の買い物でお得なAmexクレジットカードの組み合わせでもBusiness Blue Plusは必須アイテムです! AmexクレジットカードとRakutenポータルを併用するとかなりMRポイントが貯まります!MRポイント貯めている人は必ず登録しましょう! Blue Business Plusの魅力↓ 年会費無料 MRポイントが貯まる 2%貯まる MRポイントを提携エアラインにトランスファーできる 5/24にカウントされない Amex Blue Business Plusレビュー Amex Blue Business Plus紹介リンク(ブログ読者さん)   Amex Green 年会費:150ドル 普段のボーナス:30,000ポイント 期間限定ボーナス:40,000ポイント ミニマムスぺンド:6か月で3,000ドル 陸の一言: 日本でSuicaで支払いする予定の人は作りましょう! ミニマムスぺンドの期間が普段の3か月じゃなく、その倍の6か月! AmexクレジットカードとRakutenポータルを併用するとかなりMRポイントが貯まります!MRポイント貯めている人は必ず登録しましょう!2年目以降にGold、さらにPlatinumとアップグレードしてボーナスが狙える点も👍GoldやPlatinumに比べるとポップアップが出る可能性が低いので作りやすいです。我が家はPersonal Greenを1年キープした後に、アップグレードしてPersonal Goldにしました。もちろんアップグレードボーナスもらえました! 日本でSUICAアプリに直接クレジットカードを登録してチャージをするとトラベル扱いとなるので、常にx3貯めれるというのがこのPersonal Greenの魅力。日本への本帰国(一時帰国にもかなり使える)の前にはお勧めのクレジットカードです。...
Ultima Llamada
Iberia Plus Eliminó el Equipaje Gratuito en la Tarifa Azul Sin Avisar?
Malas noticias para los usuarios del programa Iberia Plus ya que, aparentemente, el programa ha eliminado el equipaje gratuito en la tarifa Azul.
Voyage Avance
エールフランス航空(AF)は、パリのシャルル・ド・ゴール空港(CDG)に新しいコンシェルジュ・サービスを導入します。   これは乗客の空港での体験を簡素化することを目的としたもので、有料です。 これらのサービスは、AFが...
Pontos pra Voar
Corre!!! Ganhe 100 pontos no Mastercard Surpreenda sem gastar nada!
Esse é provavelmente um dos maiores cupons já liberados pela Mastercard! O Mastercard Surpreenda está oferecendo um novo código promocional para resgatar 100 pontos no programa. Aproveite, pois esses códigos acabam rápido! Confira os principais detalhes abaixo. Resgate dos Pontos Veja como é fácil! Para você acumular os 100 pontos...
Pontos pra Voar
Voos semanais da base aérea de Canoas passarão de 35 para 70
Silvio Costa Filho, ministro de Portos e Aeroportos visitou esta semana, o estado do Rio Grande do Sul e anunciou uma ampliação na malha aérea emergencial no estado. Os voos semanais da base aérea de Canoas passarão de 35 para 70. A malha emergencial na base aérea de Canoas, um...
The Travelers Club
Pakistan International Airlines : vers une réhabilitation de la compagnie aérienne la plus controversée ?
Pakistan International Airlines fait de nouveau parler d’elle. Connu pour ses pratiques pour le moins controversées, le transporteur national pakistanais se voit lever l’interdiction de vol imposée par l’Union européenne. Cette décision, relativement surprenante, marque un véritable tournant pour une compagnie aérienne souvent qualifiée de « pire au monde ». PIA :...
You Have Been Upgraded
Die besten Miles and More Abo Deals im Juni
Mit Abos im Juni Miles and More Meilen kaufen … Über Abos lassen sich auch im Juni wieder…
Pontos pra Voar
Gosta de listas? Veja quais são os 10 melhores hotéis Accor em Belo Horizonte – Diárias a partir de R$ 136
Para você que não gosta de correr riscos e sempre opta pelos testados e aprovados, aqui mostramos quais são os 10 melhores hotéis da Accor em Belo Horizonte, segundo o TripAdvisor, com diárias a partir de R$ 136. Melhores Hotéis Accor em Belo Horizonte A seguir você pode conferir quais...
Pontos pra Voar
Santa Catarina inaugura novo parque temático na próxima semana
A cidade de Pomerode, que fica a 170 km de Florianópolis, em Santa Catarina, vai inaugurar na próxima semana mais um parque temático – para alegria de adultos e crianças! O Spitz Pomer, tem data prevista para abrir no dia 7 de junho e contará com uma mini fazenda com...
You Have Been Upgraded
DEAL: Turkish Business Sofia – Melbourne (Return): 2.300 Euro
Mit der Turkish Business von Sofia nach Melbourne … Für die neue Turkish Airlines Strecke nach Australien gibt…
You Have Been Upgraded
DEAL: Edelweiss Business Athen – Muscat (Return): 1.200 Euro
Mit der Edelweiss Business von Athen nach Muscat … Edelweiss bietet weiterhin einen sehr netten Business Deal von…
Pontos pra Voar
Compre um iPhone e acumule até 58 mil milhas Smiles
A Smiles está com uma nova campanha oferecendo até 13 milhas por real gasto na compra de produtos selecionados, incluindo iPhone. A campanha envolve produtos da Polishop, Top Store e Casas Bahia. Milhas Extras Considerando-se a pontuação máxima para clientes Diamante ou Clube Smiles, a campanha está estruturada da seguinte...
Pontos pra Voar
Prorrogou! Receba 15 mil milhas na hora ao assinar o Clube 1.000 da Smiles – Milheiro a partir de R$ 11,34
Como sempre, de última hora, a Smiles decidiu prorrogar a promoção de novas adesões ao Clube 1.000 que oferece 15 mil milhas na hora. Nesta campanha é possível conseguir o milheiro por apenas R$ 11,34, dependendo do tipo de assinatura escolhida. Mecânica da Promoção Novas adesões: 1.000 do clube + 14.000...
Pontos pra Voar
Confira 10 sugestões de cruzeiros internacionais a partir de R$ 1.6 mil por pessoa
Pensando em aproveitar uma viagem internacional e fazer um cruzeiro? Neste artigo trazemos 10 sugestões de cruzeiros internacionais com preços a partir de R$ 1.646 por pessoa. É importante destacar que a parte aérea não está inclusa nos preços mostrados. Como Reservar seu Cruzeiro Para fazer a reserva de seus...
Pontos pra Voar
Fim de semana Azul! Ganhe até 20% de desconto na emissão de passagens com pontos Azul
Em sua nova edição da promoção Fim de Semana Azul, o Azul Fidelidade está oferecendo aos seus clientes até 20% de desconto na emissão de passagens com pontos. Abaixo, confira os principais detalhes. Mecânica do Desconto O desconto nas passagens da Azul está estruturado da seguinte forma: Classe tarifária “W”...
Pontos pra Voar
Alerta de Passagens PPV! LATAM Pass tem passagens nacionais a partir de 2.250 pontos mais taxas
Se você está procurando oportunidades para usar os seus pontos, talvez o momento tenha chegado! O LATAM Pass tem passagens nacionais a partir de 2.250 pontos o trecho, mais taxas. Vamos lá conferir os detalhes? Reservas LATAM Pass Garantir as suas passagens nessa promoção da LATAM é muito fácil. Basta:...
No Work All Travel
Japan Rail Pass Trip Report: Hokuriku Arch Pass
After a pair of trips north to Tohoku, it was time to revisit Kanazawa, the place that first piqued my interest in Japan 24 years ago. With Kanazawa being the center of the Hokuriku region, it was the best choice as a base for using the JR (Japan Rail) Hokuriku...
View from the Wing
American Airlines New Standby Rules Are Wreaking Havoc – Don’t Get Left Behind!
Standing by for a flight on American Airlines has become an absolute mess. There are new rules that very few customers know about, and failing to follow these secret changes is costing customers hours of their time. There's no more running to the gate to catch an earlier flight....
The Gate with Brian Cohen
Infinity Swimming Pool in Georgia. Sunday Morning Photograph.
One particular infinity swimming pool in Georgia gives the illusion that the edge seamlessly blends into the surrounding landscape — which in this case are the mountains in the northern part of the state of Georgia. The infinity swimming pool in question is located at... The post Infinity Swimming Pool in Georgia....
One Mile at a Time
New KLM 777 Business Class Seats With Doors: Which Planes Have Them?
Air France-KLM is investing a lot of money at the moment in its premium cabins. In 2022, we learned how KLM planned on introducing a new business class product on its Boeing 777s. This work finally started in 2023, and I wanted to share a major update, as all 777-300ERs...
One Mile at a Time
Park Hyatt Marrakech Opening July 2024… Maybe?
Many of us into points love Park Hyatt, since its a luxury brand that allows us to earn & redeem points, and take advantage of elite benefits. The Park Hyatt Marrakech has been in the works for a very long time, and has had a seemingly endless opening delay. I...
One Mile at a Time
Park Hyatt Marrakech Opening July 2024… Maybe?
Many of us into points love Park Hyatt, since it’s a luxury brand that allows us to earn & redeem points, and take advantage of elite benefits. The Park Hyatt Marrakech has been in the works for a very long time, and has had a seemingly endless opening delay. I...
View from the Wing
Ever Wanted to Visit a Cockpit? Here’s How You Can on Your Next Flight [Roundup]
A roundup of the most important stories of the day. I keep you up to date on the most interesting writings I find on other sites – the latest news and tips. Continue reading Ever Wanted to Visit a Cockpit? Here’s How You Can on Your Next Flight [Roundup]...
One Mile at a Time
Lufthansa Creatively Selling Miles With 30% Discount
In late 2022, Lufthansa’s Miles & More program got into the business of selling miles, with an interesting backstory.
One Mile at a Time
Iberia Now Airbus A321XLR Launch Customer: What To Expect Onboard
A few weeks ago, Iberia officially became the new global launch customer for the Airbus A321XLR, thanks to Aer Lingus’ ongoing pay dispute with pilots. There’s now an additional update, as it looks like we now know what to expect onboard Iberia’s new long haul, narrow body jets.
Frequent Floaters
NCL Cost Cuts – No Sacred Cows, Night Helicopter Cruise Ship Medevac, Majorca Anti-Tourist Violence, Everyone is Cruising and more Cruise News!
Here are this week’s cruise headlines and news from around the web and interweb: Norwegian Cruise Line Looks to Cut Costs and Debt—‘No Sacred Cows’ A USCG Air Station Clearwater aircrew medevaced a 59YO woman suffering from reported heart attack-like symptoms Wed around 3 am from a cruise ship 32...
Why did Eastern Air Lines go bankrupt?
Eastern Air Lines was once one of the largest airlines in the United States, with its origins dating back to the 1920s. The airline went bankrupt in early 1991 after a number of turbulent years of high debt and labour unrest. It’s always a huge loss to the staff and...
Live and Let’s Fly
Review: InterContinental Rome Ambasciatori Palace
The new InterContinental Rome Ambasciatori Palace hotel was well located and provided an incredible experience so close to everything.  If you are considering booking travel or signing up for a new credit card please click here. Both support If you haven’t followed us on Facebook or Instagram, add us today. Location...
Frequent Miler
Last Chance Deals: Hyatt award sale, Fontainebleau status match & more
Welcome to our weekly list of what’s ending this week as well as a collection of some other deals that are due to end soon. It’s a quieter week for deals coming to an end as only have a dozen offers are due to expire in the next seven days. That...
ATX Jetsetter
May 2024 Monthly Recap
May was an exciting month for ATX Jetsetter. Lots of fun travels, airline news, and big changes has us looking forward to June! The post May 2024 Monthly Recap appeared first on ATX Jetsetter.
The Gate with Brian Cohen
What Is Wrong With This Photograph? Part 251
This is the eighth time that Hertz has been featured in this series of articles here at The Gate With Brian Cohen — see the first time here, the second time here, the third time here, the fourth time here, the fifth time here, the sixth time here, and the...
Paddle Your Own Kanoo
Some of the Biggest Airlines in the United States Have Refused to Improve Benefits For Serving Military Personnel, Department of Transportation Says
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said on Friday that some of the biggest airlines in the United States, including American Airlines, Delta and United Airlines, have refused to improve the benefits they offer to serving service members and their immediate families. The Department of Transportation (DOT) has called on airlines to make...
Your Mileage May Vary
Plane Passenger Was Awful & This Guy Did What We All Dream Of
There are lots of unofficial rules when it comes to flying, not just for passengers but for airports and airlines, as well. Here are a bunch of them. One thing…
The Bulkhead Seat
June Bilt Rent Day is Today: Get Your Bonus Points
Bilt is back with another Rent Day offer and this is the fourth month… The post June Bilt Rent Day is Today: Get Your Bonus Points appeared first on The Bulkhead Seat.
Frequent Miler
Ritz-Carlton coming to Oahu’s North Shore, Southwest hikes fees and Hyatt to launch ryokan brand (Saturday Selection)
Ritz Carlton has taking over an enviable property on Oahu’s North Shore, Southwest is raising rates for EarlyBird check-in and Hyatt announces that it’s launching a new Japanese brand. All that and more in this week’s Saturday Selection, our weekly round-up of interesting tidbits from around the interwebs (links to...
Spirit Ticket Counter Brawl, Southwest EarlyBird Fee Hike, and Driving Around Tahiti
Here is the latest set of interesting stories and news from around the travel web that I found enjoyable or useful and hope you do, too!
Economy Class & Beyond
Last Week at Economy Class and Beyond (1st June)
We’ve crossed into June, and as such a new month of news and views is amongst us. Which might seem suspicious to some. But we’ve got a catchup show to run here, so welcome to Last Week at Economy Class and Beyond The Hamburg TV Tower and Hamburg Messe. with the...
View from the Wing
Airlines Should Treat Passengers Like Human Beings — Not Self-Loading Cargo
The most important element of air travel is your personal space. That means the seat and what surrounds it. I'd posit what comes next isn't meal or the alcohol. It's not the lounge on the ground before departure and it isn't the contents of an amenity kit....
Frequent Miler
Wide open Delta One space to Seoul, South Korea (from ~111K miles for cardholders)
The Points Guy reported last night on some wide open Delta One award space to Seoul, South Korea. I’m surprised to see that this space has stuck around today. While 130,000 miles one way is not a screaming deal to get to Asia, this represents a rare chance to get...
One Mile at a Time
Weekly Review: June 01, 2024
I hope everyone is having a nice weekend so far — I can’t believe it’s already June! I’ve been at home with family the past week, though am looking forward to taking a very special flight in the coming days, which I’ll be reporting back on. On the points &...
Points With a Crew
Should Children Be Allowed To Sit In Business Or First Class?
It's the flip side of the "should children be banned from airplanes?' argument - should there be an age limit on flying premium cabins?
Your Mileage May Vary
Credit Card Review: American Express Blue Business® Plus Credit Card
I had my eyes on the American Express Blue Business Plus for a long time. I take a conservative approach when signing up for credit cards so there’s often time…