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Fruit Acres Farm Market & U-Pic

How to contact Fruit Acres:
Cell phone: Questions  (269) 468-3668
 Check us out on Facebook or Instagram!
**We accept cash & credit/debit cards**
Farm History About Fruit Acres
The Friday family settled this 200 acre fruit farm, located in Coloma Michigan in 1846. The Friday's were originally from Bavaria in Germany and named Freitag.  Randy and Annette (Friday) Bjorge are the 5th generation of Friday family farming the same farm. We met in college and Randy likes to say he married the farmers daughter. We took over the farm in 1991 after Annette's father James Friday passed away suddenly. Fruit Acres grows Black Sweet Cherries, Rainier Sweet Cherries, Sour Pie Cherries, Sweet Peaches, Nectarines, Plums, Pears and Crisp Apples (including Honeycrisp) already picked at our farm market (when available).
U-Pick Fruit
At Fruit Acres you can pick fruit right off the tree yourself (when available). Black Sweet Cherries, Rainier Sweet Cherries are available for only 10 days from June to Early July. July 1 to July 3 is usually a good time to come to pick Red Montmorency Sour Cherries. But this year (2024) all the fruit is coming earlier than usual. The estimated starting date is around June 18, 2024. We are open every day until the Cherries are picked off the tree! We are not open for U-Pick of anything on July 4!!
Unfortunately, there will not be any peach upic season this year (2024). The peach crop on our farm was hurt in January when we had that cold spell. The trees are just fine, but there will not be any peaches to pick off the tree this year. We will be selling already picked Michigan Peaches at the Fruit Stand, but there will not be any Peach upick  this year. Sorry.
Fruit Acres Does Have Lots of Apples to pick off the tree yourself this year (2024). Crisp Apple U-Pick is the beginning of September to Columbus Day. We have 4 or more different kinds of apples most weekend for upick.  Apple U-Pick has Tractor Hayrides to get you to the orchard we are picking that weekend.

Fruit Stand - Farm Market

Farm Market (Fruit Stand) is open when we can get Fresh Local Produce from Our Own Farm or from our great neighbors. During the Local Season we usually sell (when available) Sweet Eating Plums (July to September),  Honeycrisp Apples, Nectarines, Tomatoes (several different kinds), Green and Yellow Beans, Squash, Alot of Different Peppers, Different kinds of Eggplant, Beets, Okra, Brocolli, Red and Black Raspberries, Blackberries, New Potatoes, Cantaloupe, Watermelon, Cucumbers, Fresh Pickles Cucumbers, Leaf Lettuce, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Brussel Sprouts, and much much more. Everything listed above has it's own season! Each item (especially Fruit) may be available only for a week or maybe it is available for 2 months in one year. A grocery store has to buy fruit and vegetables from all over the world so they can be avaible for sale all year long. So please look at the Ripening Chart for when your favorite fruit or vegetable may be available. But remember that the season varies each year by a few days, so check back and see if what you are looking for is ready for the season.

Update Wednesday 5/22/24: Fruit Acres Farm Market is Open for the 2024 season. There are Delicious Sweet Local Michigan Strawberries and Fresh Local Asparagus ready to buy. We also have Jams, Salsa, Tea, Lots of New Gift Items, Cantaloupe, Watermelon, Vegetables, Potatoes and Onions from the southern states until the Local Melons & Vegetables are Ready to Pick this year. Local Strawberries have just started for the year, so they should be available for another 3 weeks. But Asparagus will probably be done in about another week. Local Black Sweet Cherries will start around June 18, but that is not an exact date. This spring has been so warm, Cherries are earlier than usual, but it is hard to guess an exact date. There is a very good crop of Sweet Cherries this year for the U-Pick.

Randy and Annette Bjorge have found a wonderful local family  to take over the day by day management of Fruit Acres Farm Market and U-Pick starting in 2024 (this year). The plan is to  keep the Farm Market and U-Pick selling the same great Local Fruits and Vegetables as usual (with great new products, ideas and updates). We are so glad we found someone with many years of Local farming experience, to take the farm into the future. Randy and Annette will still be living in Coloma, and we will be around to assist everyone. So we may see all our great customers around the area. Thank you all so much for being great customers and friends and employees. Please continue to visit Fruit Acres to get the highest quality Local Fruits and Vegetables.We are still healthy and want to enjoy life in Beautiful Southwest Michigan. It has been a wonderful life, but we are happy that there is a future for this farm!

Thank you, Have A Great Day!

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