Who are we?






The Stories We Tell: A Sermon Series on Scripture and Song

Can you feel the change of seasons? We are experiencing longer, warmer days and attending year-end programs for dance, scouts, and choir. There is an invitation to gather with friends and try something new in a lighter mood. Join us in June and July for a...

Practicing Resurrection – April Sermon Series

Join us for a series on why the gift of Christ’s resurrection matters in our daily lives. This reality invites us to have hope, allows us to see beyond the boundaries life gives us, and reminds us of the way we are called by God to lead in the world. Our...

Clarity & Courage Year Two

Generosity Campaign Sermon Series: Clarity & Courage Year Two Every Fall we have the opportunity to reflect on the last year of ministry together and look towards the future of our church. Beginning Sunday, October 8th, our yearly generosity campaign will...

Events & Registrations

The Stories We Tell: A Sermon Series on Scripture and Song: Our summer series will begin on Sunday, June 2nd and we invite all to join us! To read more about our summer series and who will be speaking this summer, visit the Summer Series 2024 page.  Fresh...

4 Basic Guidelines of Centering Prayer

THE FOUR BASIC GUIDELINES OF CENTERING PRAYER Choose a sacred word or a sacred breath as the symbol of your intention to consent to God’s presence and action within. Sitting comfortably and with eyes closed, settle briefly and silently introduce the sacred word as the...

Walking as Prayer & Meditation?

There are many ways of walking as prayer and meditation. This is one that Jonathon Stalls from Intrinsic Paths has to offer: [ From the Center for Action and Contemplation, Richard Rohr's Daily Mediation, Practice: Brave Creativity ] In 2010, Living School sendee...

Dig Deeper...

Stay informed with the latest news and events happening in our church. Join us in June and July, for our sermon series, The Stories We Tell: A Sermon Series on Scripture and Song. We will gather at 9 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall to listen to our speakers and view their presentations. We will then move into one worship service at 10 a.m., available in person and online. There is a seat for all at the table, and we invite you to find the chair with your name on it. You can always refer to the calendar on the MyUUMC Page to view our upcoming events.


To view a playlist of all past sermons in order, please visit our Sermon YouTube Playlist: universitymethodist.org/sermonplaylist

The Stories We Tell: A Sermon Series on Scripture and Song

Can you feel the change of seasons? We are experiencing longer, warmer days and attending year-end programs for dance, scouts, and choir. There is an invitation to gather with friends and try something new in a lighter mood. Join us in June and July for a...

Practicing Resurrection – April Sermon Series

Join us for a series on why the gift of Christ’s resurrection matters in our daily lives. This reality invites us to have hope, allows us to see beyond the boundaries life gives us, and reminds us of the way we are called by God to lead in the world. Our...

Let It Go, A Series on Forgiveness – Lent 2024

Have you ever felt like you have been stuck in a vicious cycle of unresolved pain, hoping that it would just get better with time? Have you struggled because the hurts of the past seem to control your present? During this Lenten season, we will focus on...

Genuine Christianity: Living the Heart of the Message

  Our world needs love during these desperate days of radical polarization and posturing, restrictive walls, and combative wills. United Methodist Churches yearn to embrace love more deeply because God first loved us, and because it forms our practice of the Christian...

An Unlikely Advent

The creche of the Holy Family-huddled together in the glow of the straw-filled barn seems pristine, other-worldly, this picturesque centerpiece of every Christmas gathering. But what about everybody else in the Christmas story? Ever wonder why your standard nativity...

Grief: Preparing for the Empty Chair

The holidays are coming, and many of us face approaching a table with family and friends where a person is missing and a seat is empty because of loss from death or unreconciled differences.  These realities are often painful, but especially at this time of year. ...

University United Methodist Church

3350 Dalrymple Drive
[Click here to open in Google Maps and get driving directions.]

Church office: 225-344-0343
Preschool Office: 225-344-0345


We are a diverse, open, and caring fellowship, seeking through the grace of God to be servants of Christ in this community and throughout the world. We invite you to join us for worship, and would love to have you join us in small group sharing and learning, mission outreach in our area, and programs on our campus like our Pre-School and After-School offerings.

We cherish our campus location, and are proud of our relationship with LSU students and faculty. Through a close relationship with the LSU Wesley Foundation Campus Ministry on Chimes Street, and ongoing worship and study opportunities at the church, we want to be a place where students and faculty feel both welcomed and spiritually nourished. With that said, we have become a spiritual home and church family for people across the Baton Rouge area.

We seek to be a place of blessing, belonging, and peace, in a busy, complex, and challenging world. It is our hope and prayer that you will visit our church, find our worship and ministries meaningful, and consider becoming a part of our church family.

Let Us Pray

Each week UUMC volunteers and ministers gather to pray for needs in our congregation and in our local community. If you have a prayer concern you would like us to pray for, please use the form below to let us know.


University Methodist sends out regular emailed newsletters and correspondence to keep you up to date with our latest happenings. Fill out the form below to receive updates in your inbox.

By subscribing you agree that you understand that University United Methodist Church will not sell your information to a third party and that you can unsubscribe at any time.

start or expand your faith journey with us.


10 AM Worship, with child care available.


3350 Dalrymple Drive  |  Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802

(225) 344-0343

(225) 344-0345

(225) 344-0530