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Forensic Accountant

2 more results for Forensic Accountant

Joey Friedman CPA PA - Forensic Accountant & Business Valuations

Pembroke Pines, Florida, United States
Mr. Friedman, as President of Joey Friedman CPA PA, is a practicing Certified Public Accountant, Forensic Accountant, Expert Witness, and Business Valuation Professional. In addition to his CPA designation, he also holds the esteemed “ABV” designation – which is certified through the American …

Joey Friedman CPA Forensic Accountant

Pembroke Pines, Florida, United States
Mr. Friedman is an Entrepreneurial Executive with an exemplary track record of success in leading high growth organizations to achieve their goals. He is a proven business builder and problem solver with two decades of experience as a CEO and management consultant. His academic background provid…