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Software as a Service

5 more results for Software as a Service


San Francisco, California, United States
ApplyPass is an AI-powered job search tool that helps engineers land more interviews in less time. The ApplyPass team reviews and optimizes your resume, then our automated applicator sends hundreds of applications for jobs that match your specific skills and experience. ApplyPass offers a freemium s…

Hype Snagger

Denver, Colorado, United States
Hype Snagger
Hype Snagger is an AI Powered PR Solutions Software as a Service (SAAS) company that provides top quality public relations for luxury clientele. Our AI technology, Natural Language Processing Machine Learning Application will instantly get your business noticed and recognized. As the top rated p…

Lean & Mean Business Systems, Inc.

Vancouver, Washington, United States
Lean & Mean Business Systems, Inc.
Risk & Quality management software…

LevelFields AI

Wilmington, Delaware, United States
LevelFields AI
LevelFields is an AI-driven fintech application that automates arduous investment research so investors can find the best stocks and options trade faster and easier. Throw away your spreadsheets, calculators, and thousands of stock recommendations from analysts that litter the news. LevelFields remo…

Oorwin Labs

San Francisco, California, United States
Oorwin Labs
Oorwin, a San Francisco-based SaaS platform, offers a fully-integrated ATS, CRM, and HRMS platform to deliver efficiency and growth for staffing and consulting firms. Disrupting traditional practices in hiring, sales, and customer experience with its ease of use and simplicity, our unique platform i…
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